Clen FAQ by BigAndy69

Venom said:
I was planning to use clen for 2 weeks and then 2 weeks of ECA stack for a total of 12 weeks. (6 weeks Clen and 6 weeks ECA) So you're saying that it would not be a good idea to run clen like this?
Also, I heard that you should never use clen and ECA cycle for more then 6 weeks (4weeks clen 2 weeks ECA= 6weeks)and then have a short break so you won't brake down bodys own "fatburner" or what I shall call it. Is this right? If so, how long should that break be?

That's exactly what he's saying. Cycling 2 weeks clen and 2 weeks ECA makes zero sense because both are beta 2 agonists which mean they stimulate the same receptors and they will both down regulate those receptors. The best way to run Clen is 8 straight weeks with ketotifen at 1 -3 mg/day at night before you go to bed.

There is a lot of misinformation/misconceptions about Clen on this thread

1) Clen isn't anabolic per se - it is better characterized as anti catabolic and there is a difference. Just because it shows some limited anabolic activity and increases in carcas weight in bovine and rat studies doesn't translate to human where Clen has not shown any significant anabolic activity.

2) Clen isn't an anabolic/androgenic steroid. Therefore it doesn't effect endogenous test levels so there aren't issues with growth plates, HPTA or PCT.

As far as the brand of clen they're all about the same. You can get the powder from China dirt cheap. There is more markup in Clen than with cocaine.
Be kind to me as this is my first post. I have a bottle of clen, except it doesnt have a pump or any types of mesurements, I am using a regular plungers with ML increments on it, but the dosage in is mcg's, how would you convert that?

So whats the real way to cycle clen...

8 weeks straigth with benadryl?

2 weeks on/off
1 week on/off

someone clear this up for us please.
i have been taking clen for 4 days, and im getting all the sides, KINDA SHITTY to be honest, i feel like crap...and for the past 2 days i have had a mild head ache off and on. Hopefully this will be worth it when my abs will be looking all ripped up lol. this is my first time using clen and im at 80 mcg right now
ive heard that using clen 1day on 1day off constantly for the whole course length, as your receptors will not shut down if done this way?
I am currently starting my 2nd week of clen at 130mcg a day. I've been on for a week, and let me tell you.. holy shit. I am adding this to a 600mg a wk Sust300 cycle with 50mg ed of Winstrol (winny). I noticed body fat disappearing at like day 4. The only negative side effects I am showing are the shaking and lack of sleep. I work a third shift job so it is hard for me to sleep during the day as it is.. I had a few busy ass days last week and I was up for 36 hours straight, slept for 5 hours and was up again for another 16 hours with a workout in there with no problem. I feel like this shit is stimulating my brain hardcore. It definitely works!
Hey thanks for such a good explanation of the true uses and effects of clen. I had taken clen for about a 6 month period about 6 years ago and I can vouch for most of the side effects but the results were great, coudn't have got those results from just diet and exercise alone and the energy I had, amazing, the mood swings, oh boy!

I was also taking something I swear was called 'Clenesma', not too sure if it's spelt right and if it's even still around, can anyone help me with that?

Thanks guys, great forum and site!
I am currently starting my 2nd week of clen at 130mcg a day. I've been on for a week, and let me tell you.. holy shit. I am adding this to a 600mg a wk Sust300 cycle with 50mg ed of Winstrol (winny). I noticed body fat disappearing at like day 4. The only negative side effects I am showing are the shaking and lack of sleep. I work a third shift job so it is hard for me to sleep during the day as it is.. I had a few busy ass days last week and I was up for 36 hours straight, slept for 5 hours and was up again for another 16 hours with a workout in there with no problem. I feel like this shit is stimulating my brain hardcore. It definitely works!

nice, with the test, should be all fat for the most part, i can only imagine it stacked with test n tren

clen has always been good to me, better than eca
nice, with the test, should be all fat for the most part, i can only imagine it stacked with test n tren

clen has always been good to me, better than eca

Im prob going to add clen to my PCT cause im planning a cut anyways after this cycle
so why not add Clen and Zaditen or say T3/T4/Synthoid to every bulk cycle?Are there any specific sides that would make it a bad idea to take em along with AAS? High blood pressure maybe?

I know the clen/T3 stack works very well with slin so it androgens we are trying to avoid?
clen and aas

I was going to post this separately.Is it better to take clen w a cutting stack ( test & eq) or is alone fine.

Also is clen beneficial at 18% body fat?

How long do you have to be on clen for it to be worthless assuming you can tolerate 200mcgs a day?

I've been dieting since Jan and dropped a good 20 pounds, I want to say I'm around 18% bfat.