clen kills sex drive?


mPUA "el diablo"
just wondering ..i had been fine during my test and deca cycle,

decided to start using clen a little before my cycle ended and
was unable to do the deed the day I popped 3 clen tabs and the day after (didnt use clen)......not even 25 mg of viagra helped...

this happen to anyone before?
clen and ECA can fuck with your prostate and cause erectile dysfunction. one of my buddies complained of it on pure ephedrine.
clen and ECA can fuck with your prostate and cause erectile dysfunction. one of my buddies complained of it on pure ephedrine.

he's correct..i made the same post on some other guys thread about his libido being down while on test and winny..

ephedrine, clen, norepinepherine, etc..can constrict blood vessels thus not allowing much circulation.

viagra's main metabolic pathway is the increase of blood flow to the vessels located in your penis tissue
brooklynheight said:
thought so..i wasnt sure but ripped fuel did this to me awhile

yeah ripped fuel is some potent shit. i tell people at my shop to get that not xenadrine or stacker...half the price and more of a kick if you ask me. stick with the original. :)
Id say if you popped threee clen tabs and havent used any eca or clen prior. then its probably the deca. and possibly unless your running your deca alot higher than test its possible your test is underdosed or fake. but thats my opinion everybody is different.