Clen maybe?


So dense
I am almost 6 weeks out from my show, and i am currently running Test/Winny/EQ. I am dieting very strict and doing 1 1/2 hours cardio daily. I am losing fat quickly. I am trying not to use clen or t3, unless necessary. I get my bodyfat checked again sunday. Anyone have any imput? At 8 weeks out i was at 9 percent. What about be a good low dose i could try? Im really trying to avoid the fucked up sides on it.


Clen's really fucking me up with headaches, dizzy, painfull organ twinges and heart palpitations and I'm only taking 10mcg at the moment, the fist time I took it I had a right spaz but every day I can feel I'm getting used to it, after 5days I'm going up to 20mcg (1pill) woooow and there are some peeps on this board running 10mcg I've had some good results even after 5days, quite surprissing at such a low can really feel ur body temp rise and it feels good because u know ur burning calories...i'd start low and ur body tells u when you can up the dose.
Wow lucky, a lot of shit hits you hard!

Generally for clen, start @ 20-25mcg/day and every 3 days bump it up another 20-25mcg's. For a first bout, 80mcg should give you some nice results so don't go any higher than that. I've been up to 150mcg/day and the sides were easily bareble.

You could also do the 2 weeks on 2 weeks of method or the Benedryl method, it's up to you. I personally don't like to stop a good thing when it's going, so I prefer the 2nd way.

That being said, considering the price, the potential for serious heart problems and the "gains" I'd rather just cut up natty.
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outlawtas2 said:
Wow lucky, a lot of shit hits you hard!

Generally for clen, start @ 20-25mcg/day and every 3 days bump it up another 20-25mcg's. For a first bout, 80mcg should give you some nice results so don't go any higher than that. I've been up to 150mcg/day and the sides were easily bareble.

You could also do the 2 weeks on 2 weeks of method or the Benedryl method, it's up to you. I personally don't like to stop a good thing when it's going, so I prefer the 2nd way.

That being said, considering the price, the potential for serious heart problems and the "gains" I'd rather just cut up natty.

Lol yeah I seem pretty sensitive to most meds recently, luckily it seems to work both ways I get the sides but also the advantages at low doses...also low doses are way cheaper :D
Thanks for the replies yall. I think im gonna hold off on it myself. I seem kinda sensitive to stimulants anyhow. Hell, a higher concentration of some psudeophedrine prescription sinus med put me in the damn ER.
wood78221 said:
I am almost 6 weeks out from my show, and i am currently running Test/Winny/EQ. I am dieting very strict and doing 1 1/2 hours cardio daily. I am losing fat quickly. I am trying not to use clen or t3, unless necessary. I get my bodyfat checked again sunday. Anyone have any imput? At 8 weeks out i was at 9 percent. What about be a good low dose i could try? Im really trying to avoid the fucked up sides on it.



i am 5 weeks out from my comp now. i started clen at 8 weeks out. its works really well if you have a good diet and are doing cardio and it sounds like you have that part down.
luckily it seems to work both ways I get the sides but also the advantages at low doses...
I'm the exact opposite. No matter what I take, it doesn't seem to work, good or bad. Steroids only help a little but i get no sides. Tranquilizers have almost zero effect on me, and i'm damn near impossible to get drunk. Only exception is caffeine, i can't stand it.
Wood, since you claim to be losing fat fast, you're on the right track. Keep clen/t3 in mind but it looks like you are doing perfectly without.
^^^ I agree, if you are losing fat fast and are at 9% with 8 weeks, taht should be more than enough time.