clen question...


does this shit make you guys jittery as hell...i just took some better then eph...

Clen gives me some pretty crazy tremors.

I actually started to take mine right before bed. This way I dont notice the sides really.
Easto said:
How does it effect your sleeping Biggie?

Doesnt seem to effect my sleep at all.

While Im laying down in bed, as close to passing out as possible, I take my 2 pumps of clen syrup and then Im out like a light.

I have always been a deep sleeper so it doesnt seem to effect my sleep at all. I even wake up in the middle of the night for a protein shake and Im still able to go right back to bed.
the first day is the worst for me
the second day forget about it
i can take it before i go to sleep no problem
thanks bros....i would think that these would keep me up all any of you bros use them for training the energy for training....

Easto said:
I think when I receive my clen, I am going to try that. How much is 2 pumps?

200mcg. Its a lot but with the syrup, you pretty much have to start out at 100mcg and can only really go up in increments of 100mcg.
The stuff I am getting is 125mcg/ml, do you think that is too much to take right off the bat?
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eastarr69 said:
thanks bros....i would think that these would keep me up all any of you bros use them for training the energy for training....


Seriously, if you dont them right before bed, like while your lying down getting ready to pass out, you should be fine.

No, I dont use them for training purposes. Makes me way too jittery and when your pushing some decent weight, it can be a little scary.
Easto said:
The stuff I am getting is 125mcg/ml, do you think that is too much to take right off the bat?

Hmmm. I wouldnt think so. But I imagine that you are getting it in a vial? If so you will be able to measure out what you want to take on a given day.

See, with the ventipulmin syrup, it seems to me that it would be pretty difficult getting it into a syringe to measure it out. Not to mention that after you are about 1/4 through the bottle, it would be difficult to actually draw up the clen. So for me, I started out taking one metered pump before bed and just a couple days ago I went up to 2. I probably should have tried to take abck only 1 and a half metered pumps but then if I take too much, the next days intake will be lower if you can see what Im saying.
Easto said:
I think I got it.

How do you compare Clen to ECA for fat loss?

Ive always had great success with clen. Both the Spiropent tabs and the Ventipulmin syrup have been great to me.

As far as ECA compared to clen, for me its a no-brainer, clen all the way. But again, thats for me, a lot of people I know have more success with ECA over Clen.

Btw, to get great results from Clen you really should use it for awhile. Like I'll end up using the Clen for 6 weeks. Thats 12 weeks in total since I go 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. And sometimes Ill even stretch it to 8 weeks of actual clen usage.
thanks biggie....i like to use eph for the extra energy boost before gives me the extra push for the weight i there anything out there besides eph that will help with the energy boost..generally i tak 2 25 mg eph hcl tabs and a half an aspirin and chug a speed stack drink about 15 minutes before tyraining...ony on heaVY WEIGHT DAYS LIKE BENCH SQUAT AND DEADS...I THINK FROM TRYING THE CLEN TODAY, IT WOULD BE A BIT JITTERY FOR ME ON HEAVY DAYS....but i love the rush on the eph...

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