Clen Question


New member
Can you take it all in the AM if you are doing 120mcg a day or do you have to spread it out during the day?
Isn't the halflife of clen meant to be very long, like 48hrs or something. Given that, I think you could take it all in one dose.
needsize took it split through the day--cuz his trainer told i would
follow the advice of those who compete and have more knowledge than me..

i split
normally I take it all in the morning, and it worked great, my trainer said split it up, that worked great too
I guess on the days that I have time I will split it up into 2 doses. On the days I don't I will take 1 dose in the Am. Going to start running a T3 dose with it next week after I get used to the Clen.
I personal think whatever works for you. If you are ok taking it all at once then keep taking it like that. It is depends on what you perfer. Some like am, pm, or spliting it. Good luck bro. Let me know how it works for you.