Clen & T3, altering Diet


New member
Sup juice heads,

im currently in my cutting phase, its been 5 weeks.

200lbs @6'1 11%

My TDEE: is around 2900-3000

Current Cals consumed 2160/day

this is a pretty big defeceit, but because im on Tren i was hoping the catabolic effects would be negligible.

In about 1-2weeks im adding a cycle of clen/t3, but im worried that t3 will start to take away at muscle with the current calorie consumption im on.

do you think once i add clen/t3 i should increase cals to around 2300-2400/day to avoid going catabolic?

any input would be great, thank you.
Don't know how your are going to go catabolic running test and tren bro, tren.supresses your thyroid output.anyways, myself only running 50mcg ed t3 along side 300mg test, 800mg tren a
Don't know how your are going to go catabolic running test and tren bro, tren.supresses your thyroid output.anyways, myself only running 50mcg ed t3 along side 300mg test, 800mg tren a

i didn't think i would, but first time with t3 just making sure ive covered all my bases....

how forgiving is this stack btw? can i afford to up cals?
Starting to really shed the fat now myself, loosing roughly 3-4lbs a week now, now sitting at 210.8lbs today and last thurs weigh in I was 214.8lbs
Starting to really shed the fat now myself, loosing roughly 3-4lbs a week now, now sitting at 210.8lbs today and last thurs weigh in I was 214.8lbs
thats insane, im currently losing 2-2.5lbs/wk with just diet, but im assuming its gonna get harder so im introducing this stack.
People are gonna tell u to up your intake or lower your intake, your gonna get all flustered man, best to spend some money on 3j and let him work with ya, his carb cycling plan works wonders bro
Yeah well your low in bf bro, that's when it gets tricky, last year I got down to 7 percent bf and lost some muscle in return, thus is why I am doing it totally different this time around and using 3j to help me.lean out