Clen/Var cycle


New member
Hello I am not on this site all that much but I just wanted to share my results from my current clen/ Anavar (var) cycle. I started it march 27th, and will be running it for the next 10+ weeks.

Currently I am running
50mgs of Anavar (var) every 12 hours
75mcg of clen every 12 hours.
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My calories are very restricted as of right now due to trying to lean out as much as possible while maintaining muscle mass and increase strength. I am currently taking in around 2300 calories daily which consist of mostly proteins/low fat/low carb.
I plan on keeping everyone updated on lifts and bodyweight. I am currently around 210lbs Im guessing in the low double digit bodyfat around 10 or 11% I will get it checked to be accurate.

some lifts I have currently record are
Flatbench 315x 4
squat 495x3
db shoulder presses 85x6
Deadlift 500x2
other supplements going along with this are
multi vitamin
carb powder
being 10 days in on this all I have really noticed so far is that I am hungry as hell which could be mainly due to the low calories and I have great energy and my pumps seem to be very solid. I can also notice the body heat increase very quick after taking clen which is great that means its taking effect. Look forward to bringing more results and letting you all know how things progress.
Today will be my 13th day in I am down to 205lbs. I can tell I am already hardening up very well, and my strength seems to be solid for me that is. I will have some updates on lifts tonight after the gym. Again things I have really noticed are very good pumps, increased body heat and hardness overall.
Day 14 and things still seem to be going well. I am currently getting more and more vascular daily while slowly losing weight. I have an update on strenght on Dumbbell Shoulder Presses I know this isnt a lot for most of you but I got 85s for 8 reps an increase of 2 reps from the last time I did them. I know that may not seem like a lot but when your dieting and losing weight to increase two reps that isnt bad. Look forward to getting stronger and I will keep you all posted.
Not much to update except that legs went very well for me yesterday and strength seems to be climbing as well as lean muscle mass. I am eating extremely clean and strict and seem to be maintaining bodyweight as I lean out.

My lift update is for the squat.
405lbs for 15 reps. Not the greatest but on a low cal diet not to bad. Vascularity seems to be what I am noticing the most. As far as direct results go. But I do feel my strength is increasing as well as my lean muscle mass. I will be updating more as I continue to train and hopefully increase my weight and reps on the specific lifts listed above.
Again last night another great training session. Pumps seem to be great as well as vascularity I seem to be hanging around 203-205LBS for bodyweight but it seems as though I am leaning out and hardening up daily. I hope to continue loosing fat and continue to gain more strength.

Lift update
Flat Bench
325x6 not a bad increase again considering I am dieting and on a low cal diet.
Bodyweight is still sitting around the same 203-205lbs, and I continue to lean out. I am feeling strong with seemingly better recovery time considering the low cals. I did deadlifts of the 13th and got 505lbs for one again isnt great but seems to be slowly moving up as the bodyfat keeps dropping. Again some of the biggest things I am noticing is reduction in fat, increased vascularity as welll as increased body heat, and my strength seems to be moving up well. I will continue to keep you all posted. Again if there are any questions feel free to ask.

Also I will be starting benadral tonight to keep the clen effect. Considering saturday will be my 3rd full week of clen.
Hit shoulders last night and had another great workout session. Pumps were through the roof and I was sweating my ass off. I went with 85lbs dumbells for shoulder presses again this time adding another 2 reps to the set bumping them up to 10 reps now. I will continue to work with the 85lbs until I can add another 2 reps to them, than I will be skipping over them and going to the 90lbs. I weighed myself this morning sitting at 202lbs. I plan on getting my bf checked tonight I know that calipers are not the most accurate but it will at least give me a gauge of where I am at and then I can keep you all posted better with my fat loss and muscle gains. Thanks for everyone thats checking this and keeping posted with my progress.
An update on my bench work.
did flatbench db work today.

65lbs x 15
80lbs x 15
100lbs x 15
110lbs x 10
Been awhile since I have done db bench but it seem to go pretty well pumps were great vascularity was even better. I am currently sitting at 200lbs. I plan on getting a hydrostat very soon when I have more lift upates I will fill you in and when I hear what the hydrostat says I will give that info as well.
Good progress bro, I was wondering if you are feeling shutdown at all, as a result of not running any Test?
Thanks ironM, As for a shutdown no Im feeling good and things seem to be on track on that note I will be starting trenA today and will be running it for 8 weeks 100mgs eod. At the end of that I will be coming off everything following a post cycle therapy (pct) protocol recommended by my doc and then once that is done 2 weeks later I will be starting Anavar up again. Thanks again if you have any other questions feel free to post them.
Lastnight I went for some higher reps on deads.
135x8 warmup
225x8 warmup
315x24 rep set and final set
I felt like I could have hit more just kinda gave up. I also hit 315lbs for 9 on a set of barbell rows.

Strength seems to be climbing best in the areas that need it the most. And my vascularity is at a all time max. Weighed in this morning at 201lbs.
April 22nd I hit shoulders and the db shoulder presses are going up great I got 85s for 15 reps next week I move to 90lbs. Wish me Luck the body fat keeps dropping I will do a caliper check tomorrow or monday.
I am hitting Anavar at 50mgs a day along with 600mg of cyp a week...It blew my mind you were hitting 100mgs every 12 hours...First time to run var, so was going to keep it moderate...Keep us updated...