

New member
I'm sort of new at Clen... On my 4th or 5th cycle of 2 weeks on/2 wks off. Liquid, start at about 50 and work up to 1 by last day of 2 week cycle. should I really just go cold turkey for 2 weeks till I start again? Or better to get up to 1 By end of week one then down the dose by end of week two? Not a bodybuilder or competitive... Just healthy, workout quite regularly and wanted a little advantage. Def see results in arms and abs. Helps show definition etc.. Read comments about doing 3-4 weeks on then off.... Is that really safe? Feel like I'm ready to go 3weeks on instead of two...
Cycling off is not necessary, it is fine to quit cold turkey. Clen has a long half life so you shouldn't worry about that.

About cycle length, that's up to you. Personally I stop feeling the effects of it after 10 or so days so I run 2 weeks on max. If you can still feel it working then there is nothing wrong running it for 3 weeks, then taking 2-3 weeks off.