Clenbuterol and dieting


New member
Hey guys,

To start off, I've tried to research as much as possible on my own, but there are still some things not really clear to me.

I'm 6'3, 201 lbs and 14% bf. Lifting for two years now.

Clen cycle:
Day 1: 20 mcg
Day 2: 40 mcg
Day 3: 60 mcg
Day 4: 80 mcg
Day 5: 100 mcg
Day 6-14: 120mcg
Day 15-28: OFF
Day 29: 80mcg
Day 30: 100 mcg
Day 31-43: 120mcg

I'm taking taurine and ketotifen to aid against cramps and receptor downgrading (I'm already taking ketotifen for allergy anyway).

I'm still in doubt about my diet. My sedentary BMR is ~1966kcal. I'm doing light cardio every day for 30 mins. How much kcal should I consume daily? I was aiming at 1850kcal myself (220g protein/100g carbs/65g fat), would that be too low?

Another question is about consumption. Should I take the clen on an empty stomach and then do some cardio or can I eat them with my oats in the morning pre-cardio?

Also, tips and suggestions on the clen cycle are welcome.
Another question, has anyone an idea how long clen is detectable in a urine test? I need to pass one soon to join the army reserves.