Day 28 and 29 to go
This is the middle of the road, and four more weeks to go.
3J increased protein yesterday to get past what may be a sticking poin that I ran into. Weight and bodyfat basically appeared to stay the same for a week. Bodyfat may have gone down, but it would have been possibly 1%.
Chest yesterday, and had some more strength. Not sure what came over me, but on my first set of Incline Press I was able to knock out 15 reps at 155. Could have had a few more, but.I am so used to getting less, I was sort of in shock. May not sound like much to some, but after having both rotators done, that is the most I have done. I tend to be very paranoid doing anything Incline because that is how I tore the left rotator a little over a year ago.
On to Flat Bench, Decline, Pushdown, Crushers, Pushups, Fly Machine.
Should probably say that my normal routine gets me around 6-10 per set. If I make it to 10, I increase.