Clicked – Transforming my body the 3J way

keep it up man!!! slow and steady progress is the best way to drop weight!!!

We are getting there. Just takes some time

Took me a few years to go from 189 to 240, so it is going to take awhile to get back down.

With the extra muscle on my frame, getting to 189 would be harder than the last time. Since the goal is really BF this time around, I am not paying that much attention to the weight side

Also have the added cyp this time around.
Day 27 and 30

30 days remain, so I am starting to feel some pressure. Did my normal weekly weighin this morning, and the weight was at 215.0, and the bodyfat was between 23%-24%. Was hoping for a little less, but I know there are changes. For one, the chest seems to be changing and gaining some size, and showing less fat.

Neck 17.50
Chest 44.75
Bicep 14.00 (relaxed at side)
Forearm 11.50
Waist 40.5
Hips 38.25
Thigh 23.75
Calf 17.00
Day 28 and 29 to go

This is the middle of the road, and four more weeks to go.

3J increased protein yesterday to get past what may be a sticking poin that I ran into. Weight and bodyfat basically appeared to stay the same for a week. Bodyfat may have gone down, but it would have been possibly 1%.

Chest yesterday, and had some more strength. Not sure what came over me, but on my first set of Incline Press I was able to knock out 15 reps at 155. Could have had a few more, but.I am so used to getting less, I was sort of in shock. May not sound like much to some, but after having both rotators done, that is the most I have done. I tend to be very paranoid doing anything Incline because that is how I tore the left rotator a little over a year ago.

On to Flat Bench, Decline, Pushdown, Crushers, Pushups, Fly Machine.

Should probably say that my normal routine gets me around 6-10 per set. If I make it to 10, I increase.
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Lets see, Day 29 and 28 to go... or something like that

Here are a few that were taken yesterday.

I still have a lot of fat in the stomach and chest area that needs to come off, but I am getting there.

People have said I am showing alot more in the arms. I do see some more veins showing up


Day 31 and 26 till the finish line

not much to report for the weekend. Some cardio, and tried to keep my diet in check. There were some times on Saturday when I went off plan, but it wasnt much. Was right back on plan when Sunday rolled around.

This will be the first week with the higher protein. Hoping that and some extra cardio will do the trick, and get me past the 215 and 24%.
Trying to remember what did today, but my aging brain doesnt seem to be working

Okay, it was Chest and Tri's today

DB Incline
DB Flat
Cable Fly

Bar Pushdown
Rope Pushdown

Also increased my cardio by 15 minutes. May not seem like much, but it is an increase. Hoping to add another 15 tomorrow, and stay at 1.5 hours for the rest of the week.
Day 32 and 25 really seems like the days remaining are going by quick. Only 25 more days, so that is getting real close to the end. Just over three weeks remain.
is this a joke? why would someone that high in body fat need to carb cycle?:S... a calorie deficit is enough to lose weight whats the point in micromanaging little things..
is this a joke? why would someone that high in body fat need to carb cycle?:S... a calorie deficit is enough to lose weight whats the point in micromanaging little things..

What the hell does his weight have to do with the philosophy he is following? IV had clients loose 100 pounds on a Carb cycle. Seriously if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all.

Consider this a friendly warning.
Carb cycling works, as the expert stated. It's especially nice for recomp and keeping or gaining muscle while on a deficit. Don't be a dick.
Day 33 and 24

For the other poster, is a joke. We are screwing with you. Have a wonderful day ;-)

Another day gone, and another day closer to 21 days. Way too fast!

Today is a low carb day dedicated to forsaken. Yes, today is dedicated to you.

Managed 1.5 hours yesterday on the bike, and hoping to get the same today after work. Shoulders at lunch today.
Day 34 and 23

This way my weekly weigh-in day, and the scale showed 213. That is a drop of 2 pounds tge past week. Bodyfat via calipers is showing around 24%, but it is very close to dropping into the next level.

Looking forward to the oatmeal this morning. Yesterday was the first low carb day that seemed to get to me. Was exhausted after doing the 1.5 hours of cardio last night.

Today is Chest and Tri's, along with my cardio.

Damn..i just did the calculation, and in order to see 18% I will need to drop around 10 pounds of bf.
Day 35 and 22

Between the diet, lifting, cardio, and HRT, I am feeling much better. Still a ways from my 18% goal, but I am on my way.

Just finishing up my coffee, and then it will be breakfast (eggs/oats), and later on it will be Back and Biceps.