Clomid and Tamoxifen dosage...


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I have clomid and tamox. I'm gonna do 10 weeks of test e 500mg split between two jabs one on monday and one on thursday. I've read to start my PCT a week and a half after my final jab but dosing all I see people say is:

Clomid: 50/50/50/50
Nolva: 40/40/20/20

Dosn't help much, do they mean do this every other day? each one for a week? etc. If someone could give me an example I'd be greatful.
That protocol is for the 4 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct), so the dosage is every day for a week

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I have clomid and tamox. I'm gonna do 10 weeks of test e 500mg split between two jabs one on monday and one on thursday. I've read to start my PCT a week and a half after my final jab but dosing all I see people say is:

Clomid: 50/50/50/50
Nolva: 40/40/20/20

Dosn't help much, do they mean do this every other day? each one for a week? etc. If someone could give me an example I'd be greatful.
They mean each day for a week so for tamox 40mg every day for the first 2 weeks then 20mg every day for the next 2 weeks.