Clomid during testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for Fertility


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Clomid during TRT for Fertility

I was wondering if people have experience using low dose clomid a t12.5mg/day in addition to a TESt/HCG protocol?

The reasoning is to have FSH stimulation of the testes during testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) which should complement the LH effects of HCG.

Since the body is in HPTA shutdown mode during testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), will using clomid have the same effect as for people who are not on TRT? I know that clomid definitely works on people with secondary hypogonadism.
Ive ran clomid during and noticed almost nothing diff other then a slightly better libido. Imo its wasted clomid. Youd be best off adding triptorelin.
Ive ran clomid during and noticed almost nothing diff other then a slightly better libido. Imo its wasted clomid. Youd be best off adding triptorelin.

Don't mess with Triptorelin, that shit is dangerous.

No need for Clomid while on HCG or Testosterone, they are counterproductive.

If you aim to get prego while on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), simply discontinue (under the supervision of your doctor) Testosterone and continue with HCG. Try this for 6 weeks or so, if it does not work drop HCG and take clomid.

Hope this helps