Clomid post cycle therapy (pct) only for Winny only cycle....

i full appreciate ur post because you make a very good point. no disrespect to Nelson, but i have chosen to ignore ALL his comments on post cycle therapy (pct) (considering his profit movtives).

so basically should i get both nolvadex AND clomid? how would i run these both.

also i have a really bugging question that i cant get answered - would i need to use HCG at all with this cycle??? :(

thanks for any input brothas
Silverback316 said:
Personally I would always use hcg with any cycle. Now for me I had to use hcg, nolvadex and clomid to recover from my first cycle that had me shut down bad for well over a year. I did hcg for 3 weeks, clomid and nolva for 6. You probably wont need to go that long, but look at the sticky's up top and you will see what you need to do. Also remember this we are all very different. You need to start with something and see if it works. Some people need an arimidex a day to keep estrogen normal and some need none. You have the basics now put them together how you see fit and you should be just fine.

I remember you were shut down for a long time - so did you ever recover from running that hcg for 3 weeks & nolv & clomid for 6 weeks? & would you recommand the same setup for someone that's been shut down for a year, kinda similar with your problem? thx
I remember you were shut down for a long time - so did you ever recover from running that hcg for 3 weeks & nolv & clomid for 6 weeks? & would you recommand the same setup for someone that's been shut down for a year, kinda similar with your problem? thx

That's the #1 question: did nolva & clomid work for someone who's been shut down so hard and for so long like Silverback?
Silverback316 said:
Yeah it did, but my numbers dropped again after using it and I instead of trying another recovery for 6 weeks like was recomended by the doctor I just went ahead and did my test cycle. It did recover me though, but my body did not withhold it due to who knows what. I think I may need to run 12 weeks or longer on it because I was shut down for so long I need to give my body a chance to keep those levels, but I didn't because I did not have any more time to waste.

So in other words, the Clomid didn't work.

And yet you're okay with accusing my opinions of being profit motivated, which is untrue, disrespectful and essentially full of shit -- as are you.
Silverback316 said:
Personally I would always use hcg with any cycle. Now for me I had to use hcg, nolvadex and clomid to recover from my first cycle that had me shut down bad for well over a year. I did hcg for 3 weeks, clomid and nolva for 6. You probably wont need to go that long, but look at the sticky's up top and you will see what you need to do. Also remember this we are all very different. You need to start with something and see if it works. Some people need an arimidex a day to keep estrogen normal and some need none. You have the basics now put them together how you see fit and you should be just fine.

hi , thanks for ur response bro :)

well about the hcg, i didnt think i would need it... i mean i have been told that winstrol is not that androgenic and strong enough to cause a whole lot of hpta suppression, and definitly not testicle shrinkage. i know a guy who ran winstrol x3 a week 50mg-75mg for 13 weeks and his testicles were fine as he reports. he told me, clomid is a fine subsitute for HCG and that hcg can cause even more problems for such a simple cycle.
can i ask, what was ur 1st cycle that caused u to be shutdown for such a long time?? i hope u dont mind me asking
about the arimidex (anti arom), i am not sure why i would need it, because i thought an advantage of this cycle was that Winstrol (winny) is non aromatisable and therefore i wouldnt need to worry about estro levels (i have read that winstrol even has some anti E properties it self..)

as always, any insight u can give is highly appreciated silverback
BloodSpilt said:
Nelson - calmn down , no ones accusing you of anything, just stop with the flaming already man

You're wrong bro.

I am being accused of something. And I am not flaming. I just think it's interesting that I put my real name up here and somehow it's okay for anyone to hide behind a user name to take shots at me -- yet, when I respond in kind, or defend my position or prove someone wrong, suddenly everyone gets sensitive.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me. And I welcome debate. But show a little respect. And I'll do the same.

I have been at this for over 30 years. I have had over 300 articles published. I have been in contact with many of the top people in the industry. That doesn't mean I know it all, but come on. If Im disiessed by someone with no name like I'm just another newbie with a computer...well, sometimes that gets a little annoying, you know?

But that's the beauty of the internet. Anyone can hide behind their screen knock down anyone they choose. And as the saying goes...They only go after the guy with the ball.
Silverback316 said:
Yeah it did, but my numbers dropped again after using it and I instead of trying another recovery for 6 weeks like was recomended by the doctor I just went ahead and did my test cycle. It did recover me though, but my body did not withhold it due to who knows what. I think I may need to run 12 weeks or longer on it because I was shut down for so long I need to give my body a chance to keep those levels, but I didn't because I did not have any more time to waste.

Mmmm, I do not understand very well: if clomid did not work for you, so why would you recommend it for others...?
Silverback316 said:
Hey my name is Ryan Reeves and I am 22 years old. I have numerous pics up in the picture section as well. I am 6 feet tall, 280 lbs with a bf in the 10-12% range and I have done 2 mild cycles total with the last being 500 mg of test a week. I like how you get mad because someone who has tried what you claim works did not work for them. I told the guy to research it and do what he feels he needs to do. Sorry for not sending him your way, but I think the 2 products you push are worthless, bottom line.

Okay. You think the products I designed don't work - even though you've never tried them.

You're positive Clomid works -- even though you haven't been able to recover with it.

You've only done two cycle -- but you couldn't wait to recover from the last one so you went back on test.

Look man, everyone is entitled to an opinion. But no one is entitled to be wrong. And no one has the right to give bad advice.

I've been at this game longer than you've been alive. That doesn't mean I know it all, nor dose it mean you can't know a few things yourself. But it may be in your best interest to keep an open mind to guys who've been around the block ten times over when you've barely stepped outside the door. Maybe they know something you don't.

People reading this board sometimes forget that not all opinions are equal. If I disagree with you it's because my many years of experience tell me otherwise. I'm not just pulling an opinion out of my ass and sticking with it just to be stubborn. You can take it for what it's worth. So can everyone else.