Clomid side effects too much......Switch to nolva?


New member

Did a short 6 week cycle, had to come off early....poorly planned. was 600mg test-e.

started clomid 14 days after last pin @50mg a day, it has been 11 days.....and it has wrecked me. I must respond really badly to this drug, cause I am emotionally gone, im usually a happy guy, but i am on the verge of tears for no reason....feel like a woman during PMS with all the symptoms, Alot of good things are happening in my life aswell, but I cant enjoy any of it, I feel depressed for no reason...

my understanding is clomid is better at starting the HPTA, but will nolva be good enough @ 20mg/40mg a day, for the next week or two?
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That sucks man. Are you saying you only pinned test once? Run the clomid at 50 and add nolva at 20 mg. You should be fine if you only pinned once. Get bloods to make sure test levels are back...that is if you got precyclye bloods for reference. Good luck man
Nah i pinned 2x300mg a week for 6 weeks...started pct week 8.

this was my second cycle.....did 1 6 months ago recovered well using clomid @50mg a day for 3 weeks

You guys think maybe add nolva in for next week or two? I avoided it cause it lowers igf levels
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Pct consists of nolvadex and clomid. There's no thinking about adding it. It should've already been in there...
youre going to have to man up and deal with it to promote your recovery