clomid side effects?


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is joint pain and muscle soreness and insomnia are common side effects on clomid pct?
i'm on the third week of clomid at 50mg per day but it's giving me hell!all trough i feel my test level and as well testicles got recovered but i get those horrible sides that i described above.
so should i stop taking clomid?are these side effects permenant or temporary?
thx btw
Coming off a blast my joints always hurt, especially once the decca starts clearing my system, not sure about that part. The main side I get from clomid is I get very emotional.
Coming off a blast my joints always hurt, especially once the decca starts clearing my system, not sure about that part. The main side I get from clomid is I get very emotional.[/QUOTE]

thats noticable??

Blast as in, Cruse and Blast or you cycle????
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clomid side effects

is joint pain and muscle soreness and insomnia are common side effects on clomid pct?
i'm on the third week of clomid at 50mg per day but it's giving me hell!all trough i feel my test level and as well testicles got recovered but i get those horrible sides that i described above.
so should i stop taking clomid?are these side effects permenant or temporary?
thx btw

I had headaches, a sense of groginess, mental daze etc. I only took 25mg per day for 6 days and when I got my T checked 2 days later it was 1322.
My old pimples have been regaining life lately.
I wonder how much of the T is due to Clomid. I really want to get my sperm count up to about 80 mill/ml from the current 40 mill/ml without getting testicular cancer!
God this is tough!
Can overly high T affect sperm production negatively?
Should I try 15 mg every other day?
I had headaches, a sense of groginess, mental daze etc. I only took 25mg per day for 6 days and when I got my T checked 2 days later it was 1322.
My old pimples have been regaining life lately.
I wonder how much of the T is due to Clomid. I really want to get my sperm count up to about 80 mill/ml from the current 40 mill/ml without getting testicular cancer!
God this is tough!

Should I try 15 mg every other day?

Holy Hell thats like a freakin light cycle. I wonder what a 100mg would do for you. Sheaaatt if its all that I might just not do juice and just stick to clomid.
Is it really that bad???
I was thinking the same thing. There is a post called Beyond post cycle therapy (pct) and one called Using Clomid for HRT which make it sound like a feasible option.
This is the most commonly prescribed fertility drug and often the very first medication tried when treating anovulation or unexplained infertility.

free doctors excuse
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is joint pain and muscle soreness and insomnia are common side effects on clomid pct?
i'm on the third week of clomid at 50mg per day but it's giving me hell!all trough i feel my test level and as well testicles got recovered but i get those horrible sides that i described above.
so should i stop taking clomid?are these side effects permenant or temporary?
thx btw

Sides are temporary. Order some TB500 and IGF. This will help with joint pain and soreness. If you want to sleep better while on it order some DSIP. Don't stop it. Dont fuck with your hormones like that. For the mean time while you don't have the peptides that I listed, take 600mg Ibuprofen 3x a day for a week. You will be fine.
Im 6 days into my PCT with clomid 50mg an Nolva 20mg.. I am having some pretty strange problems with my vision. I take both the clomid and nolva before i go to bed, today i woke up 3 hours later to being wide awake... I got up to pee and as soon as i turned on the light everything i looked at and looked away would have waves following the path where i was looking... it was pretty trippy. I went back to bed and woke up and noticed blurred vision for the first half of the day.

Along with Clomid and Nolva im taking Aromatase inhibitor (AI) sports D-Aspartic Acid, and Testofen Fenugreek extract.

I did have lasik surgery back in october. Does anyone else experience problems with their vision on Clomid? I have read in some articles that it can cause permanant problems with vision. I surely hope that isnt the case with me.
side effects can manifest differently from one person to another, as type or intensity. I agrre with scientific nick advice, above.