Cloudy Prop from syno-H


New member
I put my powder in the oven for 1 hour at night and took it out and let it air dry over night and then put it back in the oven for an hour at 165 degrees again and my shit still turned out cloudy. My question is if it is cloudy is it still usuable? I broke that shit up and it didn't look wet at all and I dried the hell out of it. It clogged my filters like a mother fucker. All in all a very messy pain in the ass, I was not impressed with my performance,lol. So is it usuable still?
cloudiness might be from just lack of heat of the sol'n
hit it up on the electric element for a lil bit and it should clear up
Well, I tossed half of it because the filters were clogged and it would have taken me a year to filter. I reheated it at 275 for an hour and it cleared for about 5 minutes and then turned cloudy again. Is it safe to inject cloudy test syno? I am pretty dissappointed I screwed this up because I was really careful.
I dont have experience with syno or finaplix....cant help ya with it...but Id wait till Dougoe or PB comes around and gives ya a definite answer or someone who truly knows his shit
I reread the instructs a million times it simply wasn't dry enough but I even did the test to see if it stuck to my fingers. I actually lost some confidence today,lol.
theres a good chance its fine. Heat the solution now until it clears. If it doesnt clear, you could filter it one more time and see if it doesnt turn up clear.
I reheated it and there are big bubbles at the bottom of the vial. I guess that's the friggin water huh?