Color of Tren?


New member
Hello,I have a question maybe someone can help me with.
i have a vial of Tren ace that does not seem to have that DARK COLOR to it.
when i hold it up to a vial of test it is only a tad bit darker. all of the other
tren i have seen seems to be dark in color but not this stuff. so my question is
does this make it fake or under doesed?
btw... it is from a ug lab if that even matters.
it should be legit and fine...if i remember correctly, tren enanthate is darker then the tren ace....

Colour does not tell the story if the injectable is underdosed or fake whatsoever. You will find out if its fake while taking it...
It doesnt mean anything, in fact my tren ace always turns out just as light (maybe a shade darker) than my various test esters. Dark tren more often than not comes from fina conversions. Its still a crapshoot though, some powder batches will yeild darker soultions than others. All in all your probably fine.
When i used to convert the stuff it was never dark. It always yeilded good results, but then again its cuz i made it.