Combating acne while on cycle


New member
Alright dudes , ive done Accutane for 4 months high doses im done im gettin ready to run a TEST-P 10 week cycle 100mg eod Im using .5 aromasin eod while on cyce and clom/nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) . Im still paranoid acne is gunna hit me . WILL the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) make that big of a difference ?
if your gonna use accutane then be careful...that shit isnt anything to play with.

You can try proactiv. Take more then one shower a day as well
I used to be acne prone and thought it would flare up during my cycle, but it didn't. I've had about 3 small facial pimples that went away in 24 hours. Just make sure you keep your hygiene in check (wash your face twice a day, exfoliate a few times a week, don't touch your face, use clean pillow sheets, etc). Also, I noticed dairy in my diet increases acne so maybe try to limit dairy.
Acne is caused by high free testestrone that gets converted into DHT and estrogen.

DHT and estro cause the seb glands to over produce oil and the shit goes down hill from there.

Controll your E2 levels with arimidex and you should be fine.
Will aromasin do ? I do have accutane on Hand i had my first pin of 100mg today . If it starts to show up in a few weeks should i just take 20mg tane eod or what do u guys rekon ? I have aromasin,clomid,nolva and accutane all on hand . I just fuking hate pimples on my face .

Thanks fellas
Yea, id start with 20mg tane EOD and go up form there if need be. 20mg ED for me just barely holds it at bay.Just gotta see what works for you, everybody is different.
or do i just wait till im off cycle and then use the tane to smash it ? Ive run enathate before and got hardly any pimples on my back a few on my chest and heaps on my face this was pre tane. This time ill b running aromasin with prop if they start to show up should i take the tane once i come off >?
Id start it as soon as you start seeing pimples. The idea is to stop it before they get out of hand right? Really its up to you do whatever you want bro. If you dont care to get rid of them till post cycle then wait till after.
This is an odd one but- micro fiber clothes. Ive been thinking about making a whole post about this. I'm prone to acne even off cycle.

My gf went to a "party" for some. They claimed to her that they could damn near cure cancer (exageration). Anyway I put it off for awhile until I had a bad break out and finely decided to try it. Didn't work for the first day or two, then my gf asked if i was using soap with it too, of course I was, and she said to stop. And no shit in about 3 days I cleared up. Almost nothing but little red marks. 5 days later, completely clear. I was blown the fuck away.

Should be worth a shot at least for ya, easier than accutane on your body too. PM me if you want the brand I use. I don't want people thinking I'm trying sell something.
Thanks bros i fucking hope it doesnt come on to bad. one mroe quick question is thier more chance of acne on tren or test or is every1 different ?
accutane is actually banned in canada and has shown worse side effects

"Accutane Lawsuits
There have been numerous lawsuits filed over the use of Accutane; the are currently hundreds of outstanding Accutane lawsuits alleging Accutane caused intestinal problems such as Crohn***8217;s Disease. A jury awarded an Accutane user with a $2.6 million verdict in a case where Accutane was argued to have caused inflammatory bowel disease."

i wouldnt go on that shit ever, you wanna combat acne sit in a tanning bed a couple times a week, you'll look more ripped too.
i'll take acne over what a large amount of people in north america have claimed to get crohns disease. and ive had acne but not terribly on my face. had my entire arm covered once when i was 19 trying this crap called "M1-T" that i bought at my local suppliment store.
A large amount of people are morons and associate illness with things that have no direct casual relationship and nor can they prove it. There's drawbacks to everything though so it's up to the individual to decide if the risks are worth it.
I bought Nutrogena Acne Body Wash 2 weeks ago when I started my cycle and am just hoping for the best. I know it's hard to combat it when the acne is coming internal due to hormones. I am prone to it, but not too bad. Right now I'm just getting mild acne on upper back, shoulders, and face but nothing too bad. Again I'm 2 weeks in.
I know this is an old thread and was hoping you exoerienced folks can shed some dermatologist suggested I use Tamoxifen and or Clomid after stating that the free testosterone is most likely being converted to estrogen, much like darkrid3r mentioned. Has anyone tried running any sort of dosage while on cycle? I get painful acne midback regardless if I'm just doing the TRT regime or tren/supertest. Thank you all in advance to those that contributed the info above.