I'm looking for some help coming off a 1 year + "cycle" if you would call it that. I made a poor decision to stay on and I'm looking to come off, I'm looking for doses for clomid/nolva and hcg, thanks.
I'm 5'10, 219 lbs bodpod put me at 16.8% last week, three continuous "cycles" or blasts. I'm looking to come off. I'd prefer to use 5000 iu hcg (pretty expensive from my source), Nolvadex and Clomid, I also have Aromasin as an AI that I can run into PCT if necessary. From what I've read you can run the after last injection UP TO PCT and not into then run your Nolva/Clomid and possibly Aromasin. If you could guide me in the right direction, much help would be appreciated.
I'm 26 and yes I've gotten bloods done three times and there hasn't been too many problems other than higher than normal bp, cholesterol took a hit and liver enzymes are elevated, but that's not the only reason I want off. Do my stats have anything to do with the correct dosages for pct?
Like my college football coach used to say, "stats are everything, and the more you know about your situation the the higher the odds of suceeding" a Sun Tzu type of approach that took him to 2 National Titles. and in this case pct is everything and the more info you have the better the odds of a healthy recovery for you and the hommies. just my 2 cc's worth
Like my college football coach used to say, "stats are everything, and the more you know about your situation the the higher the odds of suceeding" a Sun Tzu type of approach that took him to 2 National Titles. and in this case pct is everything and the more info you have the better the odds of a healthy recovery for you and the hommies. just my 2 cc's worth
Fair enough. Do you know what dosages? Also is there a section to ask about reviews about a certain source/brand? I'm not sure if some of the compounds I'm taking are legit..
A year is a long time. Use hcg first. I would use a minimum of 5000 iu depending on which esters you have used, and the time from your last pin, and continue with serms, after test levels drop from the hcg you are using until you get your natural test up. It is going to a rough road.
There are no definitive answers answers to this question that I have found. I have heard different opinions from different MD's. Who are you going to believe? What you do know is that serms will in time raise test levels.
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