Coming off test e early


New member
I'm in my early 20's (too young I know) and originally planned to do a winstrol oral only cycle at 50mg ed. However two weeks in to this I decided I wanted to get on test e as well, at 600mg a week, so I jumped on that and discontinued the winstrol use after 3 and a half weeks (which was around one week in to my test cycle).

Yet 4 shots (12 days) into my test e cycle I went to hospital with chest pains and turns out I've got a condition called myocarditis so I straight away came off the test. Nearly two weeks after my final shot I feel fine and my testes seem to be the same size and my libido is still what it was pre-cycle (didn't alter when on the Winstrol (winny) or the test) though I do feel as though my face looks a little puffy but this may be psychological as no one else thinks it does, or may be due to the increased calories and carbs I had eaten when on cycle.

So taking all this into consideration, do you feel I need to do any form of pct? I have Nolva on hand but ss I feel fine I'm thinking not to do it as don't think I have been shut down hard enough. Yet am tempted to do 40/20/20 of nolva just to be on the safe side.


P.s. I realise I'm young and was stupid getting on steroids in the first place when I was making good natty gains and know the cycle wasn't well planned in terms of deciding to get on test after I started the Winstrol (winny), so I don't need a lecture about that, I just want some advice on now staying as safe as possible.
Cheers, is 40/20/20 ok or would a 2 week one at 40/20 or even 20/20 be better? 2 weeks and 3 days after my last pin and I feel fine so wondering if I even need to do one.