Comments or Suggestions Please


New member
Alittle about myself: 49 yo this year. 5' 10", originally from North America, living in the ME for the last 10 years. Did 7-8 cycles when I was younger in the 1980s, got up to 235 lbs back then.
Now I have been on HGH for a month and thinking about adding some test (back in the 80s I just did cypionate or propionate seperatly for my cycle, there was no other idealogy and no real PCT??)
So after reading to much on this and other boards I hope its understandable that I'm a little confused on some issues ha, ha. So anyways I went down to the big hospital pharmacy here and bought a little of everything, from HGH, Clomid, Arimidex, sustanon, Nova, HCG, Dutasteride, Finasreride and Vitamin E. All this stuff I bought OTC.
Please, I welcome any comments, concerns, suggestions or advice. I am not selling anything here, only looking for advice or suggestions.