
Body fat was accurate. Arms are good as well as shoulders. Wor the lats and chest, forearms would be nice too. YOur lower abs show your leaness. Work the abs and they will start to show more. YOu have great skin.

Definitly get your eating, sleeping and training in order before doing gear. You just don't have the mass that you could get naturally yet so it would be a waste.
This was just after eating, didn't look as lean as I do in the mornings. My lats kill me, I can't seem to get them out. I do wide grip pull ups 4x8 or till failure. Lat pull downs, and bent over rows. I hate my gut, but I'm working on it. I would love to start a cycle of clen to help out. Great skin? No way. Just tanned a bit. Thanks.
azboi said:
I've had my BF tested, they say I'm a 12.5%. What do you guys think? Any suggestions?
bf% is irrelevant its just a number that most of the time is inaccurate

its how you look that matters

if you want to look cut, you need to lose fat

if you want to look buff and cut you need to bulk then lose fat
You look pretty good... Suggestions?
1. Pound your chest.
2. Spend a whole workout day on you back (forget wide chins).
3. Do 1000 situps a day.
(Cant see your legs but I assume they are OK as are your arms). jz