Common Cures and treatments for Gyno

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Small, yet significant additional footnote (NOT TO BE IGNORED) for anyone that gains access to this thread and is under 21 years of age (and over 21, but then considered an adult; responsible to make own personal decisions, otherwise only hurting oneself)
Domenic said:
Is this true? I mean, really really true?

This is the way I'm looking at it, from 14-23 or 25 the body has it's own influx of crazy amounts of natty hormones... as we all know steroids shut down natural production, so as far as the full development of the endocrine system and everything else related to the balance of those natural hormones goes, to me it makes sense to wait till into the 20's before supplementing.

I mean yes, you're not going to die if you start early, but it seems naturally more wholesome to maximize the natural hormone peak while you have it, and then if need be use the hormonal supplements down the road when the body is pretty much done naturally developing (or, in other words, has matured). Just from a purely natural perspective

(mod feel free to move this to the front of the thread as well, thanks (2 everybody 4 everything))
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Just another possible solution :)

Something not included in the write ups that is important for Gyno though - DHT steroids. In one of my previous gyno flare ups, the discussed methods did not work completely, but once I jumped on a new cycle of strong dht deriv designers, gyno went away.
Below is taken from patrick arnold's old artical - DHT - Is it all bad?
Anti-Estrogen Effects Of DHT

One important function of DHT in the body that does not get much
discussion is its antagonism of estrogen. Some men that take Proscar
learn this the hard way-by developing a case of gynecomastia. By
reducing DHT's protection against estrogen in the body, these men have
fallen victim to its most dreaded ramification-bitch ####.

How does DHT protect against estrogen? There are at least three ways
that this likely occurs. First of all, DHT directly inhibits estrogens
activity on tissues. It either does this by acting as a competitive
antagonist to the estrogen receptor or by decreasing estrogen-induced
RNA transcription at a point subsequent to estrogen receptor binding.

Second of all, DHT and its metabolites have been shown to directly
block the production of estrogens from androgens by inhibiting the
activity of the aromatase enzyme. The studies done in breast tissue
showed that DHT, androsterone, and 5alpha-androstandione are potent
inhibitors of the formation of estrone from androstenedione.
5alpha-androstandione was shown to be the most potent, while
androsterone was the least.

Lastly, DHT acts on the hypothalamus/pituitary to decrease the
secretion of gonadotropins. By decreasing the secretion of
gonadotropins you decrease the production of the raw materials for
estrogen production testosterone and androstenedione (DHT itself cannot
aromatize into estrogens). This property of DHT comes into particular
utility when it is administered exogenously, and this is to be
discussed in further detail in the next section.
What would you have to say about Epistane as a cure for gyno? I've read a lot of its effectiveness coming from 20 to 30 mgs and also being a good strength builder? Gains, and gyno be-gone. Sounds like a great combination to me!
it may provide a complimentary benefit when coupled in a cycle with aromatizing compounds (those that increase conversion to estrogen), but for the purposes of gyno treatment I would implement a SERM

anab0lix said:
Is it safe to run ralox for like 2-3+ months though?
Yes, can run it up to 90 days before you start risking bone density breakdown AFAIK given all of the information above (albeit very slowly) which then can probably be corrected with whole milk and supplements (calcium/chondroitin/glucosamine/msm type stuff)

I would respect the dosage tho, no higher than 60 mg for the long haul

Get a SERM, letro-only protocols are too harsh and oftentimes unnecessary.
anab0lix, my brother, got a suggestion for you

Instead of running the letro with your raloxifene, why don't you run a mild recomp cycle of Masteron (say 4-600mg/wk) along with low-dosed epistane (say, 20-30mg/wk)... run the epi for 6 weeks, and the mast for 8-10 as the base, this would address the boobies in a more fun way, can still do some lifting, and maybe the mild anti-estrogenic effect of epistane will complement the SERM, and the mild DHT-effect of masteron can also complement the SERM (is very slightly anti-estrogenic in its own right, AFAIK was developed as a steroid for the sole purpose of addressing booby issues for breast cancer patients, but also has other beneficial applications in the world of bodybuilding), no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) should be needed on cycle, maybe toss a mild dose of aromasin through PCT. This should nip your tatas in the bud, and also allow you to keep on keeping on, and having the steroids in the system should counter-act any kind of negative effects from long-term SERM treatment on bone density, since you'll be eating (and are on steroids) to account for the nutrient deficiency due to long-term SERM treatment

Plan seems unbreakable, might be crazy enough to work :)

^^may not work for everybody, but should work for some, use own judgement
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