Concerns about Conversion Kit


Mini B
Took forever to discover pellets. More research proves this to be legal for my cows with no Rx needed. (Good thing because my cows are getting impatient). My question is should I be concerned about obtaining a conversion kit in terms of legality?
No. Nothing is illegal with regards to conversion kits. Unless of course you live in Chicago. Most kits come with needles/syringes and I believe those are illegal in that State.
BiggieSwolls said:
No. Nothing is illegal with regards to conversion kits. Unless of course you live in Chicago. Most kits come with needles/syringes and I believe those are illegal in that State.

no you can go to local feed store get vet syringes needles 22ga is smallest 1" only dirt cheap vet pins but legal.
If you do flooring for vinyl you need to poke holes in bubbles and inject glue sometimes.
there is no need to order a kit you can convert it all yourslf if you want to save some cash.. just search around..

on there is lots of info..on converting this..
if you cant find any or need more info Email me bro
he's concerned about needles and shit easiest way is buy a kit instead of getting BA a 45 micron Whatman,3 vials, syringes 20cc and 5 cc pill crusher, 18ga pin and 20 pins (B-D) your choice of size to start all for 30.00 and be safe and sterile.

There are lots of weird unsafe methods to do its so cheap and eaiser than to get all the stuff seperate gonna cost you more than 30.00 for 4g fina kit made for 50cc's.

I hear some shoot veg oil and crush a few pills with binders no seperation!
damn thats so unsafe.
If you ever had an abcess do it right bro!

go to has pics included or

my abcess
kits + a few extra not shown easy to do also 20 free pins I got 25ga 1" 1/2 from using 23 ga termos. B-D's are much better get some 18 ga pin tips to draw fluids up change tip to 25 ga push out air, no pain at all.
grafix-gnc said:
is that the abdominal region DG?

o god no that my ass!
It was full of oils at the time and scar tissue.
Butt a nasty scar non the less. If a girls sees it and asks what it is I tell em I sat on a nail when young....
don't think they buy it...
it works, lol
thats what I pm'd you for I..nevermind lol