August/September I ran a Purus Labs M14-E cycle (M1,4ADD and Epistane) for 6 weeks. It was my first time with M1,4ADD, but not Epistane. Around 4 weeks into PCT (Nolva/Tamoxifen 40/40/20/20) I developed gyno, which I've never had before. 2 hard, pea-sized lumps formed under either nipple, they caused no pain at first but within a week they grew to around the size of a marble and became painful to touch. I've had no discharge, but the nipple itself looks noticeably larger and puffier at times, even through a shirt, and the nipple seems to very slightly be turning downwards. I'm at around 10% bodyfat at present.
I've had a lot of conflicting advice, and I guess I'm just looking for more to find a consensus. I've been advised to take one of three different AIs or to try Nolva again but purchased from a different source. All my GP (Doctor) said was that it's "swollen mammary glands and it will go away with time". Ironically this, being the only advice I've got from a professional, is the advice that I trust the least. It was a cursory examination and everything I've read about gyno suggests it rarely just goes away naturally in somebody of my age (26) who has been taking steroids/prohormones. Adversely, I don't want to buy and run a potent Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on a whim based on conflicting, anecdotal evidence.
My planned PCT is over now but the problem persists...Do I self-medicate, or wait and see what occurs naturally?
I've had a lot of conflicting advice, and I guess I'm just looking for more to find a consensus. I've been advised to take one of three different AIs or to try Nolva again but purchased from a different source. All my GP (Doctor) said was that it's "swollen mammary glands and it will go away with time". Ironically this, being the only advice I've got from a professional, is the advice that I trust the least. It was a cursory examination and everything I've read about gyno suggests it rarely just goes away naturally in somebody of my age (26) who has been taking steroids/prohormones. Adversely, I don't want to buy and run a potent Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on a whim based on conflicting, anecdotal evidence.
My planned PCT is over now but the problem persists...Do I self-medicate, or wait and see what occurs naturally?