Congressman proposes bill to lift ban on AAS

If you are not going to post anything meaningful, please refrain from posting. I have been cleaning up your posts all morning.
You guys are just a bunch of big bullies

Actually not all of us here are "big" and certainly we're not bullies... as you so kindly surmised. So, I'll play your game for a New York second: I can tell you, what you probably are::: either a goof ball or a hack, but your lack of maturity tells me you're probably a younglin.., so I'll go with goofball. Welcome to the board. And here's some advice for you...take advice from the moderators when they give it to you!!!!! Now, Let's back track to some previous schooling you got from Austinite on a previous thread of yours, which I'd like to re-emphasize:

Contribute effectively......!