Conquering Hair Loss - Report In

First Sorry about commenting in the wrong thread. I am tacking test cyp and Deca 1 to 1. and I like how it is going. I did not know that deca is what makes your hair fall out, if I understand you correctly. I did some reading on the internet and I did find cases of the sides being perment. It all could be BS, but from all the sign it also could be real too. I just dont know, but these DHT fighters should be good for the prostate away right

Deca and DHT blockers are said to cause hair loss.
I have read the combination of deca and propcia to be worse for your hair. But when test is combined this may not be true.
With that being said i have used deca, test and propecia together with no problems.
I am currently using propcia and have no sides, which i'm sure very few on here will say they have any sides with propecia.
Finasteride works great. I have not had any side effects. Any prescription med has a slew of possible sides...just big pharma covering their ass legally. Gear has tons of warnings too.