Considering a beginners Deca cycle

I keep coming back to this thread and reading everything. There are a few things you could do as you've brought up and been told. I very strongly feel, based on the stats you provided us, if you plan to do anything you should do test only at 500-600mg split into twice weekly doses. I think you would be very impressed with the results from this.

I think 6% bf is unrealistic long term though.
I keep coming back to this thread and reading everything. There are a few things you could do as you've brought up and been told. I very strongly feel, based on the stats you provided us, if you plan to do anything you should do test only at 500-600mg split into twice weekly doses. I think you would be very impressed with the results from this.

I think 6% bf is unrealistic long term though.

Thanks for the input, and to everyone else as well. I'm going to take that recommendation as well as tighten up in the areas I need to. I know I'll have more questions along the way so I'll be all ears. I'm always open to improvement so feel free to PM me if you have any suggestions or put some more feedback on this thread.
I guess I clarify that I'm not looking to get into the bodybuilding scene although I do have a look that I'd like to achieve. Again the goal is 210-215 lbs at 6-8% (dense). With where I'm at now I'd like to get that last push to reach that goal. I've worked out long enough that I'm not in a rush yet I'd still like that extra edge.

So I guess the consensus is to up the test for a cycle then maybe a cutting agent or ECA at the end? I don't expect to put on 20lbs before my vacation but I'd like to make what I have now more dense and cut.

I'm not opposed to hitting some gear for a cycle but if I do that I want to do it as healthy and clean as possible.

ECA works real good. Just be careful with that E in the acronym there. Ephedrine can get a hold of you by the coconuts if your not careful, if you have an addictive personality about yourself. Just a heads up man. Good luck with your goals.
ECA works real good. Just be careful with that E in the acronym there. Ephedrine can get a hold of you by the coconuts if your not careful, if you have an addictive personality about yourself. Just a heads up man. Good luck with your goals.

Thankfully at 34 years old I can say I'm not the addictive personality type. If any has any trusted source of ephedrine PM me.

I appreciate all the input.
Thankfully at 34 years old I can say I'm not the addictive personality type. If any has any trusted source of ephedrine PM me.

I appreciate all the input.

Primetene Tabs. Local pharmacy. 3-4 at a time every few hrs a day for a couple weeks
I keep coming back to this thread and reading everything. There are a few things you could do as you've brought up and been told. I very strongly feel, based on the stats you provided us, if you plan to do anything you should do test only at 500-600mg split into twice weekly doses. I think you would be very impressed with the results from this.

I think 6% bf is unrealistic long term though.

This is good. 6% as 8% is unrealistic goal at this time when you are also wanting to put on Mass. As everyone said Diet is the key and no compound dose what you want. As said 500mg wk is the ticket as you get you diet dialed in # calories. Also watching you e2 for water weight.

When I was competing my abs didn't really come out until my last 3 weeks 1 week out Boom. But ya know as I said it I difficult to build the mass at the same time you are trying to shave off BF. Drink a lot of water. water in water out.

Another thing is how you are training to do this. You also need some good cardio. Cardio like the bike or other is what burns the fat tissue. So how fast you train makes a difference. Giant sets require much cardio. If you are acquainted with Giant sets .
Good recommendation on the giant sets. It's been years since I've done them.

Still wondering if ephedrine makes you piss hot? Aka shows up in a urine test.
Thanks for the input, and to everyone else as well. I'm going to take that recommendation as well as tighten up in the areas I need to. I know I'll have more questions along the way so I'll be all ears. I'm always open to improvement so feel free to PM me if you have any suggestions or put some more feedback on this thread.

Good to hear, please keep us updated!