Continue Bulk or Cut?


New member
So I started a little over 3 years ago at 135lbs. Before picture is from a little over 2.5 years ago. In this updated picture Im 180lbs. I have been essentially bulking the past 3 years. I keep a very clean diet so I dont add too much fat along the way. My question is, at what point should I start cutting, to shed some of the body fat I have acquired? I dont want to be one of those "Forever Bulking" guys, but then again, it took me a long time and unreal commitment to finally put weight on and dont want to lose too much of it. Based off the pictures here, would you guys recommend doing a cut through the summer and lose some bf% or continue on with how I have been doing? I appreciate in help in advance.

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First off let me say congrats on the GAINS you really put on some muscle as for cutting its getting to the time of year when I like to start my cut cycle, in my opinion you would be fine using a cut cycle to shred up a little man. Do you have any ideas on what you want to run? Also have you been off cycle for any period of time lately?
Thanks, and appreciate the feedback. I finished a bulking cycle of Deca/Test-E about 3 months ago. Started at 168 before cycle, finished cycle at 185, 180lbs now after post cycle therapy (pct) and completely off.

Ive never run a real cutting cycle before, so not really sure on what I should run. Last spring I did a Test-C/Masteron cycle, and looked like this around 170lbs or so. View attachment 550130

Any suggestions?