continue cycle after 1 week interuption?


mPUA "el diablo"
so im on my 12th week of my fina/prop/winny cycle

stopped fina at 8-----cont with prop and added winny

now i just shot my last Winstrol (winny) and prop shot today---no more gear

i should have some more prop and Winstrol (winny) coming in mid week

the last week of prop i started going to eod insted of ed...

i would really like to continue the cycle--im liking what winny
is doing---

do you think it would be ok to "miss a few days" and continue

or should i just stop and start pct
You could continue if you want, but with all the short acting gear your using you levels with be very low after a week+ off, so it would be a good time to start pct.
If you are really intent on continuing I would say to run post cycle therapy (pct) while waiting and then hope back on as soon as you get it. BTW how long would you plan on extending it? I had the same problem where I wanted to extend my cycle but ran out of test cyp for 2 weeks. Luckily Iv been running EQ for a while and throughout that period without test but still felt like I lost gains. Sucked waiting for the test to start working again but now it is and Im very glad.