

New member
Hi everyone, for a first time gear user i see that most users advice between 300 to 500mg test a week. My concern however is... why do first time users want to use a compound that is highly Androgenic(side effects) while gaining water primarily. If you've been training for a long time you'd probably know that muscle easily gained is muscle easily lost. Please correct me if im wrong but in my opinion nobody wants to pay for water?

Hypothetically why won't one prescribe a drug that is low to moderately andogenic like Trenbolone acetate for first time users that wants good quality gains?

Finally so what is actually the best for solid quality mass gains for a person that wants muscle and KEEP most of it?

Please help me as i'm doing research on aas. I believe Knowledge is King
where do these guys keep coming from? why does everyone now think test is evil and tren is a good first drug?

test bloat can be controlled in most. i bloat very easily so 500mg/week is my max dose of test. for most this little bloat isnt a big deal but i need to look my best all the time. you dont gain just water from aromatizing compounds, its just along for the ride and leaves once you stop the drugs. that doesnt mean your gains are gone though. creatine works same way (of course not so well...)

test is always reccomended because sides are easy to control and the drug IS MILD.
a little water is nothing compared to the psychological sides you can get from tren, mast, win, or many others.

the best side effect free cycle i ever ran was the second one i ever did. 500mg test enenthate a week.

just for your infomation, tren is 5x more androgenic than test. it just doesnt aromatise so there is no estrogen bloat.
Ive been saying this for yrs. Nothing against the vets here and much respect but Ive seen time and time again people use 400-500 mgs Test, blow up and shrink down. I mean a million times and the user usually gets depressed, stops eating right and training altogether spiraling into depression.

I always recommend a low dose of Equipoise. It takes time to kick in and usually needs to be run a lil longer but it is slow steady lean body mass gainer(LBM)
300-400 mgs over 10 weeks works wonders with the guys Im training.

Tren is a lil rougher as the sides may intimidate a new user....night sweats, lower back cramps, a shortness of breath on occasion when injecting...all of which a new user would not be used to or expect so i dont recommend Tren as a first cycle.

Running away from test is the wrong approach. Don't prolong it, don't push it away, welcome it with open arms.
Yeah i totaly agree with see thats my concern blowing up and shrinking! I see this guy at my gym seldomly...the one day his big two months later he looks like a midget. I've been on one cycle test/dianabol and the sides wasn't bad... Im ready for my second one but i want to gain good quality but keep it. So equipoise alone or can i combine it with something?
The water weight gain from a test cycle can easily be circumvented with the use of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Although 300mg week is highly unlikely to cause significant sides to begin with.

The best strategy for keeping gains post-cycle is a sound diet, training, supplement, and post cycle therapy (pct) plan. The guys you see blowing up and shrinking down continuously probably haven't the vaguest clue what post cycle therapy (pct) means.
Would you recommend test/equipoise together for a second time user and nolvadex from week 1 as i believe prevention is better than cure?
500mg of test with 50mg ed of proviron for 10 weeks is the perfect first cycle imo
post cycle therapy (pct) one weeks after last jab
week1-6 aromasin@10mg ed
week1-3 hcg @500-750ius eod
if you dont keep 15-20lbs after post cycle therapy (pct) youre doing somthing wrong!
Warmachine said:
tren is 5x more androgenic than test. it just doesnt aromatise so there is no estrogen bloat.

. Nothing mild about tren
in my opinion if you gain lets say 10lbs from a test cycle and you do proper post cycle therapy (pct) you should be able to keep around 5-6 lbs of it
While there are other things you can do as a first cycle, like eq, test is still king. Your body runs on test, so you want that in your body. Test has a few sides but they are easily controlled. Don't get too scared about test sides, I never get any sides on test btw. No bloat or gyno.
AIs and low sugar/mod carb diet will keep the water off from a test cycle.
with EVERY OTHER DRUG you risk your sex drive, is it worth it?
im not a big fan of the bloat either so im seaching for options too. im thinking next cycle will be 100mg test/week, 600mg eq/week, proviron 50/d, and win 25/d.
Well, I guess I dont see why a noob cant have a first cycle of Tren Ace at 30mg/day along with 300mg/week of test enanthate.