Conventional post cycle therapy (pct) Doses and Duration

This is a very old thread , but the first 3 posters on this thread were like guru's back in the day when they joined. I was here and "Lawnsaver" was a pretty imformative individual as well as Nelson and Jcp2 :bigok:
I've been reading different threads on Nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct) and everyone had different opinions on dosage. I need some advice. Just finished up a 10 wk cycle of 600mg/week Sust and 400mg/week Deca. Nplvadex is all I have at this time for post cycle therapy (pct). I've read 20/20/20/20, 40/40/20/20/ and even 100mg the first day then 60/40/20. Which is more effective? Thanks!
i read and been told by some seniors to do 40/40/20/20..

alsoheard and read that OTC post cycle therapy (pct) won't do the job always stick to NOLVA, clomid..

perhaps can check with jamieole.. rather helpful member on board..
When you start your PCT is it on just to use clomid? And to start right after your last injection. Also I lost the thing that comes with it to give you the dose. Could I use a syringe to measure it ?
Contrary to common belief, Proviron is somewhat inhibitory of the HPTA. Using it during the recovery phase as part of post-cycle therapy is counterproductive. It is also inadvisable for this reason to use it continuously while intending to be off-cycle, but occasional recreational use presents no problem.