Conversion crash half way question.


New member
Powder left in whatman

1. I converted my powder it was in the solution I made 100ml worth.

2. I used a whatman to filter 50ml into one vial. (I have two 50ml vials.) When I went to filter the remaining 50mls into my second vial I noticed there was a bunch of the powder at the bottom.

If I could go back I would have reheated the powder so that it would have mixed back together but I did not.
So I filtered the second 50ml bottle. What I noticed was that there was some powder in the whatman filter.

Question Does that mean I am screwed and no powder made it into the second vial?

Or does that mean only some of the powder crashed and did not make it through but some did?

P.S If it matters I was making 1-test cypionate, at a low dose 100mg/cc. So there was only 10 grams in the solution.

Hmm what I could do is maybe get the filter open and then weigh what was left. I mean the stuff cant vanish from thin air it either has to be in vials or in the filter right??? Hmmmmm maybe I just answered my own question.

Either way your help will be appreiciated.

EDIT Anyone know how to open the filter if possible?

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If anyone is wondering I was able to get the whatman open and the little amount of powder that was in the bottle pre-filtering and weigh it.

Only .386 of a gram.

No big deal.

It sounds like you have a empty vial left with powder on the bottom. Id take the second filtered vial, draw about 10cc of it out. Shoot that into the crashed vial, heat, filter all back into the second vial.
if it was all mixed when you filtered it into the first bottle, and then it crashed when you went to filter your second bottle, then the'll have the same mg to mg ratio. if you haven't filtered the second yet i'd heat it up and then filter it. if they crash add some more solvent to the mix.

what was the solvent % you used?
1Tcyp is not a freindly hormone to work with. non of the phs are cept 4ad cyp or the orals like m1t.