Could frequently injecting into scar tissue reduce gains?


New member
Hi all, the thought occurred to me last night, I have a few cycles under my belt and ive always preferred pinning in my delts on almost every shot. I have introduced cycling the sites from delts to quads but it left me with dead legs ( only problem being when im not at the gym im at kickboxing so dead legs cause quick the issue for training).

im currently at the start of week 4 into a lean bulk cycle and im pinning mon wed fri. so far ive alternated between left and right delt but they seem to be getting worse and more painful. Which brings me to my question. due to the amount of shots ive taken into my delts could i be hitting scar tissue thus not giving the gear the right opportunity to release properly into the muscle which will obv reduce gains?

I could be wrong, scar tissue may not play a part or i may have to think of new inj sites, i know alot of people say pin into glutes but ive NEVER tried it as ive been told there's alot of nerves in there but i may have to bite the bullet and start injecting there.

Any thoughts on this?
Give dem hips a shot bro. By far they're my fav site to pin. They can take more oil and have less pip than any other spot(for me). Rule of thumb is one inj per site per week. Not to say you can't a day less once in awhile but I believe you're gonna run into issues sooner or later with your current protocol
ventroglutes are very easy to pin and you don't need to worry about nerves up there. Along with delts you should at least have 4 spots right there, for 3 pins a week that's a fairly good rotation. Ruling out lower and upper quads for the reasons you stated, you'd look at pecs, dorsoglutes or traps next.

So really, get good at glutes first :)