couple of quick questions


I'm taking 700mg of sustanon broken up to two shots per week. For 10 weeks. have a tendency to hold water when I gain.
1- how much letro do I use? And daily?
2- for sus when do i start pct with clomid
You should be injecting Sust ever other day. It contains some short esters.

Don't use Letro. Use Arimidex or Aromasin. Blood work will be there determinant of how much AI you need. We also need to know your body fat % to be able to recommend a starting AI dose. Have you run previous cycles?

Start PCT 4 weeks after the last injection of Sust. It also contains long ester which take a long time to clear. So you kind of get the worst of all worlds with Sust. Frequent pinning and waiting a long time for it to clear.

Why aren't you using hCG while on cycle?

Why aren't you using Tamoxifen during PCT?
OP you have some good Questions asked by Meg. He's right on with his post.

What I wanna tell you is that by what you ask it is apparent that you need much more knowledge of the safe use of AAS . Where did you get the idea to use Letro for am AI ?

You need to understand esters
As Meg said you should be injecting Sus EOD.

Read up on PCT and understand the profiles of Clomid And Nolva

Back to the books.

By the way what are your complete stats ?
60 yrs old 6 205lbs 18%bodyfat .
Sometimes I read so much here that I get conflicting answers. Never heard of injecting every other day in anything Ive read. Pus I thought Sus was a mix of long and short esters so why inject EOD? I have read that HCG was optional unless it was a long cycle. Plus I read Clomid was just as good as Nolva.
If I injected EOD How would suggest I break it down per injection?

OP you have some good Questions asked by Meg. He's right on with his post.

What I wanna tell you is that by what you ask it is apparent that you need much more knowledge of the safe use of AAS . Where did you get the idea to use Letro for am AI ?

You need to understand esters
As Meg said you should be injecting Sus EOD.

Read up on PCT and understand the profiles of Clomid And Nolva

Back to the books.

By the way what are your complete stats ?
EOD or ed injections arnt that uncommon I'm eod with test p and tren ace . it all depends on what esters you have and what your looking to do .

Sust was developed with the idea that instead if having to get multiple injections weekly or daily you could have one larger shot with the fast and slow acting esters together
Sust the problem was the volume of oil that had to be injected was too large and to painful to work how it was planned .

So if you were using Sust for trt 2 injections weekly would be fine EOD injections are better for a cycle . I gave up using Sust a while back I don't really know why anyone still uses it I would just front load a test e cycle with some test p happy days . plus don't forget the test DEC that's in Sust takes several weeks to start working so it can make cycling and pct a bit tricky best leave Sust for trt hrt purposes imo
10 weeks of sust isn't really ideal at all. I agree with blakey on why do people even use sust anymore. It's really just a giant pain in the ass with all the different esters. You also need to really research pct. Especially at your age.