Creatine and the military...


So, I had heard that when they do a drug-test at MEPS, creatine shows up...emailed my recruiter about it before I started taking any, and this is what he said:

"We had a guy who was taking stacker II's and popped hot. If you are taking creatine there is a chance you may pop hot and if you do it will be disqualifying. I don't care if they are selling it in buckets at the PX. Which they are and many soldiers do take it. But they are already in."

Anyone have any experience with military drug-testing? I mean, does anyone know what other kinda supps might show up?? I'd ask my recruiter, but I don't want him to get suspicious about what I may or may not be taking...:dunno:
I went through MEPS... I quit it all (creatine, protein) on advice of my Gunny. Its one week, no biggie... then back on, better safe than sorry. Have fun MEPS sucks.

P.S. I did not clear MEPS my first time through, talk to your Gunny about what to "ommit" and what not to. I had to provide medical record about my peanut allergie... woops there was a bunch more in their than just my peanut allergie.
I would not worry too much the military is so needy of new recruits that they would take you if heroin showed up in your system.
i dunno about letting in heroin addicts..but creatine is not a disqualifing supplement...what are u expected to not eat red meat or consume protien no matter what form its in gimmie a break....they cant not let u in on the fact that u consume meat w/creatine in it plus its anatural occuring amount in ur system no matter what...the shit id stop taking to go through meps is any type of a/s or prohormone...hell when i went through i was taking methoxy's, but its not a prohormone...i wouldnt even worrry about it...keep doin what ur doin all u need to worry about is making wt and even if u are over wt as long as ur under BF ur still golden ...
huskyguy said:
I would not worry too much the military is so needy of new recruits that they would take you if heroin showed up in your system.

Man, I wish that were true, but I'm having one helluva time getting in!! No one at my gym understands it...I'm scared they're gonna test me for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) because I actually have muscle that you can see! Being a girl sucks sometimes...

Thanks for your help, y'all...'preciate it!
whats ur concern for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) testing unless you've been taking them??? its not like creatine is going to show up as steroids...
adidamps2 said:
whats ur concern for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) testing unless you've been taking them??? its not like creatine is going to show up as steroids...

lol...good point...didn't think of that...i'm slow tonight
ive been tested several times for the military and i was taking creatine and pro hormones at the time. And i was fine so dont stress about it. They manly look for drugs. marijuanna, meth, opiates, etc...
parker210 said:
ive been tested several times for the military and i was taking creatine and pro hormones at the time. And i was fine so dont stress about it. They manly look for drugs. marijuanna, meth, opiates, etc...

Yeah, well, according to my recruiter, the reason you were okay was because you were already in...I dunno...My boss thinks my recruiter has no idea what he's talking about (surprise, surprise)...My recruiter probably thinks I'm smokin' crack now cuz I keep asking him what kinda shit is gonna show up on a drug test... :rolleyes:
let me tell you the truth about recruters. They are the biggest pieces of shit on the planet, all they do is sit in a desk all day and lie to people. they dont care about you or anyone else. they get a bonus for every person they sign. i would bet that he has no god damn clue about anything you tell him. ask a doctor
19 yrs experience here, 3 as a recruiter. They don't test for any supplements, there is no damn test for creatine. They are looking for recreational drugs, mainly pot, coke, and three other random drugs. The only way you will get tested for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) is if you balloon huge in a short period of time, and your commander suspects your on gear, then he can do a commanders referal for AAS. Thats it!
I know guys on gear, but they are in the gym everyday, its not like some little dude who can't pass a physical fitness test, and 6 weeks later he is huge from Dbol.
Kid, don't sweat it, and you should have gone Army!!
parker210 said:
let me tell you the truth about recruters. They are the biggest pieces of shit on the planet, all they do is sit in a desk all day and lie to people. they dont care about you or anyone else. they get a bonus for every person they sign. i would bet that he has no god damn clue about anything you tell him. ask a doctor

What branch are you talking about? The only thing I got was threats and letters if I didn't put in my quota, I never got a dime for a soldier I put in the Army. Recruiters do get hardship pay, thats it. You go out and chase some snot nosed kid, whose a momma's boy, and try putting them in the military. It sucks ass, plus you have to deal with momma not wanting her snot nosed son/daughter joining the military. As far as sitting around a desk, I was lucky if i was in the office an hour a day, most of the time was out trying to find recruits.
I will admit there are some shitty/lying recruiters, you have to lie. If we told every kid the truth, they wouldn't join. You think i'm going to tell some crack head kid that basic training is easy? Hell no, I'll tell him its fun, you get to climb walls, rappel, get 3 meals a day. Fuck yes I'll lie. For some reason today's youth take freedom for granted and don't feel they need to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. But thats just me.
(1 freaking more year until I retire) woohooo
hey, don't sweat it man. Creatine will NOT make u piss hot. Here's the reason they don't want u on creatine. If u take creatine(like excessive amounts) 500grs about 4 hrs before u take your piss test, it will actually flush your system so nothing shows up. U could be high off your ass and as long as u take a shit load of creatine(can't have 2 much fluid w/it either or acidic juice or any shit like that) u'll piss test will come back clean. Only thing, it makes your urine a different color so if they really know their shit they will catch it, send it to a lab and when it comes back full of creatine u're fucked. But if u just have normal levels of creatine u're fine. Even if u supplement w/5-10g u should be alright. Say u eat tons of read meat etc. If nothing else...try this...say u've been taking nitrotec protein(that has creatine in it) say would that do anything?? U could pass it off as being a dumbass who didn't check out what was in his supplements. :P *if they told u not to take creatine that is But yeah, there u have might not sound like I know what i'm talking about, but trust me on this one I do. It is fact. Thats y your recruiters giving u a bad time about it. Thats the only way creatine would make u piss hot. Which i can't. Just make it look like u're trying to hide shit. (excessive amounts of creatine that is)
If you're gonna join the military join the air force...............we get treated the best by such a huge margin its sad. Most of the guys I know in other branches wish they were in the air force and said if they could go back they would have done it differently. On another note you will not fail for creatine and anyone who tells you that you will is an idiot. Also recruiters do not get paid per recruit. They have a quota and their annual rating is based on how well they do there job based on the given area they are in. They do get special duty pay.
joshbeam1 said:
hey, don't sweat it man. Creatine will NOT make u piss hot. Here's the reason they don't want u on creatine. If u take creatine(like excessive amounts) 500grs about 4 hrs before u take your piss test, it will actually flush your system so nothing shows up. U could be high off your ass and as long as u take a shit load of creatine(can't have 2 much fluid w/it either or acidic juice or any shit like that) u'll piss test will come back clean. Only thing, it makes your urine a different color so if they really know their shit they will catch it, send it to a lab and when it comes back full of creatine u're fucked. But if u just have normal levels of creatine u're fine. Even if u supplement w/5-10g u should be alright. Say u eat tons of read meat etc. If nothing else...try this...say u've been taking nitrotec protein(that has creatine in it) say would that do anything?? U could pass it off as being a dumbass who didn't check out what was in his supplements. :P *if they told u not to take creatine that is But yeah, there u have might not sound like I know what i'm talking about, but trust me on this one I do. It is fact. Thats y your recruiters giving u a bad time about it. Thats the only way creatine would make u piss hot. Which i can't. Just make it look like u're trying to hide shit. (excessive amounts of creatine that is)

I wonder if my recruiter even knows that...the red meat thing wouldn't work, because my recruiter I'm sure would be like, "Uh, no, she's a vegetarian..."

Isn't 500g of creatine, uh, a bit much?? I thought normal doses were in the 5-15g range a day??
02gixxersix said:
If you're gonna join the military join the air force...............we get treated the best by such a huge margin its sad. Most of the guys I know in other branches wish they were in the air force and said if they could go back they would have done it differently. On another note you will not fail for creatine and anyone who tells you that you will is an idiot. Also recruiters do not get paid per recruit. They have a quota and their annual rating is based on how well they do there job based on the given area they are in. They do get special duty pay.

AF recruiter around here totally ruined any chances of me joining the AF...I'm not joining to get treated good (wouldn't that ruin the whole military experience anyway?)...
thats what i was saying...normal creatine intake for a weight lifter should be about 5-10 g so shouldn't bother the tests at all. IF u're using creatine to flush your system, then u take like 500g at a sitting w/ about 32oz of water, piss 2-3x before your ua and u'll be pissing clean in about 3-4hrs. But like i said w/that much creatine (500g) it makes the color of your piss slightly diff, so if they take a large sample they can usually tell its an off color. Thats the ONLY situation i can think of where creatine would fuck u on a ua, cuz if they send it to a lab they find tons of creatine in it, it would make u look guilty as hell, cuz it'd look like ur'e trying to cover shit up(drugs).
But if u're taking NORMAL doses (5-10g) u should have nothing to worry about cuz that little bit shouldn't effect much.
My bad about the red meat thing. Just looks at your stats 2 and realized u're a female, so eating tons of red meat would prob. be a dumb thing to say to him. Supplementing w/ nitrotec protein powder to get the extra protein in your diet might be a good thing to tell him u're doing though. Think there's 2g of creatine in every scoop or so. Did he actually tell u not to take creatine though??
joshbeam1 said:
My bad about the red meat thing. Just looks at your stats 2 and realized u're a female, so eating tons of red meat would prob. be a dumb thing to say to him. Supplementing w/ nitrotec protein powder to get the extra protein in your diet might be a good thing to tell him u're doing though. Think there's 2g of creatine in every scoop or so. Did he actually tell u not to take creatine though??

Yes, in not so many words..."If you are taking creatine there is a chance you may pop hot and if you do it will be disqualifying."