Creatine and the military...

Synergism said:
you made a good choice about the Navy. I suggest going "IT" as your rating. Make rank fast, make money once you get out.

Speaking of popping on piss tests in the military! I blindly purchased some dianobol (not dianabol), equipoison (not equipoise), and dekka (not deca) basically the wannabe's of the real thing. I was wondering if these will make you pop. Can anyone give any insight? Sorry for the hijacking..

"NO" even if it was dbol, eq and deca, the answer would still be "No"
shaved_head_in_baghdad said:
"NO" even if it was dbol, eq and deca, the answer would still be "No"

I'm wondering, how DO people pop on piss tests.. or should I say, what DO they pop on. I know a first class that popped on some gear, but I know nothing of the details.

That Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) thing you mentioned, would I then pop on That if they give me that test?

Synergism said:
I'm wondering, how DO people pop on piss tests.. or should I say, what DO they pop on. I know a first class that popped on some gear, but I know nothing of the details.

That Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) thing you mentioned, would I then pop on That if they give me that test?


The military only tests for recreational drugs. The only way a commander will test for juice is if you get caught with it, or you balloon up huge in a very short amount of time. In 19 years in the Army, i have never seen or heard of anyone being pissed for roids.
If you knew someone that got popped, probably from THC, or coke. Those are the big 2.
Thanks. That was really comforting knowing I just downed 5 tabs of dianobol and another 2 of equiposon for the first time. whew! I'll be stationed in bahrain in the next 2 weeks for a year. My goal is to just get HUGE and rack up the $$$$$$. lol. I hope its a good price to pay for the imminent threat over there.
Stop fucking whining, if ur that worried stop taking the creatine,..WOMAN shuldnt be in the army anyways....
hey wannabejarhead your dad is just looking out for you by requesting the navy. They call marines bullet sponges for a reason honey
parker210 said:
hey wannabejarhead your dad is just looking out for you by requesting the navy. They call marines bullet sponges for a reason honey

Eh...I think he doesn't want me joining the military at all...waste of my degree or something...never actually heard the whole "bullet sponge" thing before...
The test might detect steroids cause they are not found natural in the body but i doubt the test can detect creatine since creatine is already found in the body
BigVito said:
The test might detect steroids cause they are not found natural in the body but i doubt the test can detect creatine since creatine is already found in the body

no, no and NO, army doesn't test unless there is a reason! end of discussion! and there is no damn test for creatine
shaved_head_in_baghdad said:
no, no and NO, army doesn't test unless there is a reason! end of discussion! and there is no damn test for creatine

whoa.. did you mean to specifically say "army" or do you mean "military" because I'm sure not in the army. Do we have different ways for testing in each branch? Are we different?
Synergism said:
whoa.. did you mean to specifically say "army" or do you mean "military" because I'm sure not in the army. Do we have different ways for testing in each branch? Are we different?

Each Base, Post, Camp, whatever, does an initial test, if the initial test comes up positive, that bottle is sent to the main lab for more specific testing. All the services use the same testing procedures.
As far as I know, JFK Special Warfare School is the only place where the use of creatine is banned (we don't interact much with "mother army" so I could be outdated) and that's because it causes you to retain water, increasing the likelihood of going down as a heat casualty. Even there, they don't test for it, they simply ask - only a couple guys were dumb enough to raise their hands, shipped them home that day.

Some recruit was taking creatine and tested positive on a drug test? Maybe he was taking something other than creatine and didn't tell his recruiter - hmmmm. I've been drug tested and gone through physicals (flight physicals which are the most in depth) while on gear and only had a problem once when my liver enzymes were too high. I honestly have no clue why you're worried or what the big deal is - if you aren't on drugs, the drug test will be no problem. Do you list everything you're taking or have taken? A degree of descretion might be called for.
jes131 said:
As far as I know, JFK Special Warfare School is the only place where the use of creatine is banned (we don't interact much with "mother army" so I could be outdated) and that's because it causes you to retain water, increasing the likelihood of going down as a heat casualty. Even there, they don't test for it, they simply ask - only a couple guys were dumb enough to raise their hands, shipped them home that day.

Some recruit was taking creatine and tested positive on a drug test? Maybe he was taking something other than creatine and didn't tell his recruiter - hmmmm. I've been drug tested and gone through physicals (flight physicals which are the most in depth) while on gear and only had a problem once when my liver enzymes were too high. I honestly have no clue why you're worried or what the big deal is - if you aren't on drugs, the drug test will be no problem. Do you list everything you're taking or have taken? A degree of descretion might be called for.

I know many SF guys from Ft. Bragg, they don't need to fuck around with creatine because I know "MANY" who take steroids when they aren't on a mission. SF bulks up when they aren't in the field, that way they are big and strong when they do deploy. I wish the regular Army would do the same thing. We worry about running to much and not enough about core body strength.
shaved_head_in_baghdad said:
I know many SF guys from Ft. Bragg, they don't need to fuck around with creatine because I know "MANY" who take steroids when they aren't on a mission. SF bulks up when they aren't in the field, that way they are big and strong when they do deploy. I wish the regular Army would do the same thing. We worry about running to much and not enough about core body strength.

A large part of the problem is the PT test itself, too many train in just those 3 areas and think they're in good shape. We should really try to come up with a better measure of "fitness". And sometimes we bulk when deployed - throw a gym into a container and ship it out with the rest of the team gear. Of course, not all focus on size and strength - people tend to gravitate towards the teams that emphasize their own personal preferences. You've got your huge monsters on one team and the skinny runners on another. But yes, I don't bother with creatine myself.
jes131 said:
A large part of the problem is the PT test itself, too many train in just those 3 areas and think they're in good shape. We should really try to come up with a better measure of "fitness". And sometimes we bulk when deployed - throw a gym into a container and ship it out with the rest of the team gear. Of course, not all focus on size and strength - people tend to gravitate towards the teams that emphasize their own personal preferences. You've got your huge monsters on one team and the skinny runners on another. But yes, I don't bother with creatine myself.

This is my opinion, but its based on 19 years of experience and 3 wars. The guys that run 5 minute miles, but only weight 145lbs where the first guys to have problems with a combat weighted rucksack. I also believe that the future of the Army is how we are fighting in Iraq. We don't need skinny guys that can run 5 minute miles. We need guys that can carry 100-125lb ruck sacks, and skinny runners can't do it. We need guys that can kick in doors, we need guys that can take down a bad guy by himself, skinny runners can't do it.
Put a skinny runner in the gym, and he can't lift his own body weight, but the first thing he will say, "well, how fast can you run your two miles in?"
Who fucking cares, who are you running from!!!
Preach on. I remember a couple years ago there was an attempt to focus on battle-oriented PT, but that didn't last long. As we become more advanced, our combat loads become heavier (isn't technology great?) and all around body strength is the key to success and even survival. Look at the current emphasis - what are you gonna do sit-up the bad guys to death?
jes131 said:
Preach on. I remember a couple years ago there was an attempt to focus on battle-oriented PT, but that didn't last long. As we become more advanced, our combat loads become heavier (isn't technology great?) and all around body strength is the key to success and even survival. Look at the current emphasis - what are you gonna do sit-up the bad guys to death?

We get lighter radios, but then we pack more battaries, and more unneccessary bullshit. Its good to hear that i'm not the only one that thinks like I do. The problem with the Army (not SF) is we don't think outside the box or think about the future. Our PT program sucks, no emphasis on core strength. The worst mistake I made in my career was marrying my ex wife instead of going to the SF qualification course!!
We pack around a lot of stuff since we frequently we have to be self-sufficient for extended periods of time; but in those cases we use atvs, technicals, mules, whatever we can find. It's all about ass-covering: they require a soldier to carry everything for every possible contingency (I can't think of a better example than MOPP gear) so that if something happens they can say, "Hey, we told them to take it." Or how about the CO that gets his career ruined because some pvt got killed while driving drunk and command crucifies him because he didn't specifically tell the pvt not to drink and drive? We need a return to common sense and an acceptance of a certain amount of risk. How many have died when they hesitated to fire because some commander realized it's easier to explain the death of one of your own than the accidental death of a non-combatant and so told his soldiers never to fire first?

And the tab lasts a hell of a lot longer than most military wives do. Congrats on sticking it out for 20 though, I've been getting sorely tempted by other agencies as well as the deep pockets of various contractors.
ArmyBrat96b said:
So, I had heard that when they do a drug-test at MEPS, creatine shows up...emailed my recruiter about it before I started taking any, and this is what he said:

"We had a guy who was taking stacker II's and popped hot. If you are taking creatine there is a chance you may pop hot and if you do it will be disqualifying. I don't care if they are selling it in buckets at the PX. Which they are and many soldiers do take it. But they are already in."

Anyone have any experience with military drug-testing? I mean, does anyone know what other kinda supps might show up?? I'd ask my recruiter, but I don't want him to get suspicious about what I may or may not be taking...:dunno:

hey bro i shouldnt think creatine would be a problem, im in the british army and we take it although it does come up up on your results and their fine with it, iv also been to american px's in germany, kosova, iraq and their selling shit loads of it, also judging by the size of most yanks in the army id say most people use it, as for ur recruiter, just ask him and hes either going to say yes or no, if no then stop taking it, its not as if hes going to turn u away or anything is he.
good look

It's not going to show up up, becuase it's not a stimulant, opiate, or THC.

Creatine is naturally found in meat.

Go army. I just enlisted.....31 Bravo