i've been taking bulknutrition's CEE and i've been seeing great results... my question is. im about to get into my cutting phase. i want to get my body fat down to 3.5-4.5% my question is would taking CEE hamper my cutting phase or will it actually help out since it dosent cause bloating? or should i lose the CEE if im trying to lose the weight...err i mean fat.
i know im new and yes i did a search i cant find anything on this subject so if i missed a post on this sorry.
22years old
5'8 175 lbs @ 9% body fat
long term goal:
180 @ 3-4% body fat
i know im new and yes i did a search i cant find anything on this subject so if i missed a post on this sorry.
22years old
5'8 175 lbs @ 9% body fat
long term goal:
180 @ 3-4% body fat