Creatine (cee) and cutting?


New member
i've been taking bulknutrition's CEE and i've been seeing great results... my question is. im about to get into my cutting phase. i want to get my body fat down to 3.5-4.5% my question is would taking CEE hamper my cutting phase or will it actually help out since it dosent cause bloating? or should i lose the CEE if im trying to lose the weight...err i mean fat.

i know im new and yes i did a search i cant find anything on this subject so if i missed a post on this sorry.

22years old
5'8 175 lbs @ 9% body fat

long term goal:
180 @ 3-4% body fat
lol unless youre competing and know how to manipulate your body in order to get that low of bodyfat...good luck.

i still cant find how anyone could see any correlation between bloating/holding water and losing bodyfat. You can be at 5% bf and be bloated and holding water...youll still be at 5% bodyfat, it just may not look like it as much. CEE supposedly doesnt cause bloat or water retention, so its pretty irrelevant
i got down to 145 lbs at 3.5% on my previous cutting phase. but i was wayyy to skinny didnt have enough muscle. so in the past 5 months i've put on 30 lbs.

so i know i can get to that low bf% and no im not planning on doing a competition. im just doing this for my self

so i guess im trying to get definition (cuts) and since CEE dosent retain water, would it be a good idea to keep on cee. not familiar with bodyfat percentages, but i was under the impression that pros competed at 3-5% bf, and that low of bf would be almost impossible to maintain for an extended period of time. maybe you just have crazy genetics in that respect.

no point in going that low without competeing imo, but whatever floats your boat.

id keep on CEE while cutting to keep your strength/muscular endurance up in the gym unless your on a program that calls for dropping it.
Creatine/Cutting--are mutually exclusive, creatine will not help you cut--actually using creatine and then cutting it out of your diet can be helpful.
huskyguy said:
Creatine/Cutting--are mutually exclusive, creatine will not help you cut--actually using creatine and then cutting it out of your diet can be helpful.
no, creatine wont help you cut, it has no correlation to bodyfat, but like i said, it will help keep your strength and muscular endurance up while losing weight, training on low carbs, etc.. The reason most people wonder about using creatine while cutting is because of the bloat and water retention, and somehow connect that with bodyfat.
Suareezay said:
maybe you just have crazy genetics in that respect.

no point in going that low without competeing imo, but whatever floats your boat.

id keep on CEE while cutting to keep your strength/muscular endurance up in the gym unless your on a program that calls for dropping it.

NO no no i dont have crazy genetics. just did alot alot of cardio and eating healthy. but i've been following this man tom venuto

and i know creatine wont hamper me trying to lose fat (no sugar or calories) but how effective is cee in not retaining water?
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yeah hopefully we can find a review somewhere... ill keep everyone updated tho. to how my cutting phase go w/ CEE. if anyone can enlighten us on CEE and how effective it is on not retaining water. please help

finelysculpted said:
yeah, i'm really curious if it retains water too... and raffy, your long term goal rocks. haha, that's mine too.

also FYI getting that low body fat is hard and also unhealthy to maintain for a long period of time. looks bad ass six pack just screams LOOK AT ME! but i did feel like shit most of the day. im planning on maintaining 5-6% (definition still shows alot) but i would like to be down at 3-4% for a little bit, mostly for shit and giggles maybe go to the beach or sumthing.