Creatine ethy ester

Yeah man, I'd be a little skeptic of ebay. Try one of the site sponsors like, that's what I used last time I placed an order. It came fast, and they have good prices... and after I ordered I felt all warm and fuzzy inside because I was helping steroidology.

That being said I've never baught on ebay, so I don't know maybe it's safe and you can get a good product. But I don't think I could order something on ebay that I was going to put in my body.
ebay my man that sounds risky. You just never know, I agree with bpb go get it from supplement-ology its not expensive.
I actually got Dbol of ebay once. I found it by accident though. It was listed under some wierd name that didn't relate what so every. It was the real shit though.