creatine glutamine schedule?


New member
Hey guys im starting a diet and trying to lean out It is a pretty restricted diet.I Just had a few questions about when to take creatine and glutamine.

I was thinking something like this

creatine5g/glutamine5g with my morning shake and breakfast

Before workout 1.M.R no creatine/glutamine

Creatine 5g/Glutamine 5g After workout with shake

Glutamine 5g with my Bed time Casein shake.

Daily totaly for creatine would be 10gs and glutamine 15g

Any help would be apreaciated, I do know that many ppl argue against the use of glutamine but thats not what im trying to find out in this post.

Thanks in advance
4x5g creatine daily for one week, 1x5g every day after that. Timing doesn't matter, it isn't a stim.
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Personally I just take 5g of Creatine post workout. 5g per day (10g max) has been shown time and time again to be enough to saturate your muscles. Creatine loading is an old theory (an expensive one too!) that was debunked.
Personally I just take 5g of Creatine post workout. 5g per day (10g max) has been shown time and time again to be enough to saturate your muscles. Creatine loading is an old theory (an expensive one too!) that was debunked.

It's not outdated, it's not debunked. It's pretty simple though. You don't need to load it, it will just saturate the muscles faster. Creatine is pretty cheap though