Creatine (Monohydrate)


Highley Evolved
does any one run there dose as stated in this site.

Calculating Your Correct Creatine Dose

:Loading Phase of 5 days
:Maint. Phase of 4 weeks
:Wash Out Phase 4 weeks

then repeat.

it states that runing it at high doses for more then 5 days is useless and would cause extra strain on your liver. the three phases would get you the best results.

Im also starting a cycle deca/d-bol/cyp in jan.
fuck all this "phases andloading crap i see everywhere" take 5g ed from start ot finish maybe up it on heavydays or when bulking.

all theses "phases are usless" you dont NEED a loading phase.
your dose.... take it from start till done.
i take it year round with higher amounts during bulking (7-9g) and 2-3gs 4-6 months a year (spring-summer)
wtf is a washout? when you stop you stopp you dontneed a taper. u can ifyou want but al this maketing crap gets to me, its been arond for years there nothing new about it.
not attackign you I just fee these kinds of posts are usless
fuck all this "phases andloading crap i see everywhere" take 5g ed from start ot finish maybe up it on heavydays or when bulking.

all theses "phases are usless" you dont NEED a loading phase.
your dose.... take it from start till done.
i take it year round with higher amounts during bulking (7-9g) and 2-3gs 4-6 months a year (spring-summer)

this was the first time ive heard of this so i just wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one taking it everyday.
Also, remember that if you take a pre-workout, it most likely has creatine in it as well. I prefer plain old creatine mono. Currently using Creapure from Primordial.
I take 2.5 g creapure pre and post workout, and 2.5 g in the am on non workout days, never loaded or tapered, unless you are talking about celltech, that shit requires a post cycle therapy (pct) it is so strong.
I take 2.5 g creapure pre and post workout, and 2.5 g in the am on non workout days, never loaded or tapered, unless you are talking about celltech, that shit requires a post cycle therapy (pct) it is so strong.

You probably couldn't handle The Strap then.

I'm off creatine at the moment but I'm thinking of dosing as suggested here:

I doubt I'll be doing the 2 day loading, but at 2-3g a day in a split dose I should be golden.

On top of that, my kilo of PP Creapure will last almost an entire year! One year of creatine for under 17 bucks!
its not a party till s. bob jumps in and have you read about the study they did on creatine that debunked alot of dosing methods it was pretty interesting?
its not a party till s. bob jumps in and have you read about the study they did on creatine that debunked alot of dosing methods it was pretty interesting?


Anyway, when I get people coming to my shop saying they hate/don't use creatine because it gives them bloat and that they take 20g+ a day, I do what I can to try to perpetuate the word that more is not better when it comes to creatine.

It also boggles my mind the prices that people will pay for the countless other forms of creatine when their problem with monohydrate could have simply stemmed from taking to much.

Anyway, when I get people coming to my shop saying they hate/don't use creatine because it gives them bloat and that they take 20g+ a day, I do what I can to try to perpetuate the word that more is not better when it comes to creatine.

It also boggles my mind the prices that people will pay for the countless other forms of creatine when their problem with monohydrate could have simply stemmed from taking to much.

good advice here
thanks for the reps but I couldn't tell who repped me.I was looking for the study last night but couldn't find pretty much debunked taking creatine every single day in order to help it stay in your was very eye opening.I'll keep looking to see if I can find def made me rethink the why I was using my creatine and at what doses.
I dont take Creatine all year, because ill take breaks from the gym, but when I do, I dont get concerned with loading, I just take one or two doses throughout the day. Making the switch to Creapure Creatine has me using one scoop on non-workout days, and 2 scoops on workout days.
From what i understand the body can't absorb more than 10g of creatine/ day.the rest is just expelled through the urine. Loading is pointless and "washout" is just marketing. Every 6mos. or so I'll take a few weeks off. Otherwise I take 10g on WO days and 5g on non WO days
From what i understand the body can't absorb more than 10g of creatine/ day.the rest is just expelled through the urine. Loading is pointless and "washout" is just marketing. Every 6mos. or so I'll take a few weeks off. Otherwise I take 10g on WO days and 5g on non WO days

Loading is more of a personal preference thing and is definitely not necessary (just as creatine cycling is unneccessary) - all its purpose is is to saturate your muscle creatine levels to threshold, which at 20g a day it does over a week, as opposed to over ~3 weeks if dosed at 5g a day.

Once your muscle creatine threshold has been reached, 2-3g a day is all that is needed (yes, even for the bigger guys) to maintain threshold levels. 5g is the general recommendation (not all required, though), and 10g a day is definitely not necessary.
