Creatine pre-workout


Pro Bodybuilder
Who uses creatine before workouts?

If you do, how much do you use?

What else do you take it with?

Do you notice more endurance (more reps)?

Do you ever experience any negative side effects such as cramping?

Any contribution is really appreciated.
I used too...

I just use it post workout now...

I didnt notice much of a difference, but i like to take it with some carbs postworkout for the insulin spike
Normally I have been taking around 5g preworkout and 5-10g post.

This week, for shits and grins, I haven't been taking it at all. Tonight I had an absolutely shitty workout. Could be coincidence. Maybe not. Think I'll start taking it again.
Would anyone be willing to do a little experiment?

Do your normal preworkout stuff and see how you do with a specific workout. Then the next time, do the exact same thing but try taking a lot of creatine beforehand. Maybe 20g or so to see if that does anything. I will try this, but I can't right now. Besides, more results will be better than just me.
I mix my daily creatine and glutamine with my workout carb drink and drink it throughout my workout. Of all the experimentation i've done, that works best for me and also esnures the muscles are flooded during the hardest parts of my workouts.
Like Trevdog said there really is no difference. Even with adding the simple sugars as well over the long run no differnce to be honest

I have even just put it into a big 2 litre bottle and drank the water mix during the day, which is what I generally do when I take it
When i used ot take creatine i used ot mix it with strawberry hawaiian punch pre-workout. Used to give me an insulin high, and used to give me energy. Stopped taking it when i threw up one time at the gym because of it. Plus i started looking fat from all the excess water. Didnt really do anything for me.(Was taking cherry flavored cell tech)
ive been taking v12 in the morning and pre workout. Honestly from what I hear, and just from personal experience i like it this way, because it gives a rush of ATP which as you know is the energy provided for anabolism and catabolism as well as muscle contraction(as well as calcium, that is one reason while calcium is so important). Also it seems very important to drink enough water that way it can break down the large molecules in the creatine and convert them into more ATP. If you have ever noticed while taking creatine that whenever you go from not drinking much water in the day to drinking a shitload you always get a mad energy rush, even if it is 2-3 hours after you dose yourself. It may just be because the creatine in v12 is of a different chemical structure than just plain creatine monohydrate, but I get the best results drinking it about 45 min before workout. There is a lot of talk however about saturation, and how after taking creatine for 3 weeks it is not as necessary to take it 7 days a week maybe more like 5, but I figure why even take the chance.
one thing i mis stated was that ATP is directly responsible for anaerobic muscle function, in actuality ATP helps create more glycogen in order to keep muscles pumping, so more ATP=more glycogen at a faster rate=more reps in your workout=greater strength