Creatine - Throat Swelling


6 Months In...

I've recently started taking Creatine CEE as a powder mixed with juice/water or a PWO.

Over the last couple of days my throat/tonsills/glads have become swollen. Has anyone heard of this happening before?

I thought it may be tonsillitis as the swelling didn't start until a couple of days after I took it for the first time. I've stopped taking it now to find out if it was the Creatine. I got it from if that makes any difference whatsoever.

Does anyone know, if it is the creatine, if people have the same reaction from taking in tablet form?

You know what, ive just started taking CEE a little more than a week ago, and i have the same swelling. i swear though, i felt like i was a little sick the last few days with a little cold, so i dunno
i used to get that when i took cell tech. the only other creatine i ever took was the trac stuff and i was fine while taking that. shitty feeling though.
Does anyone know, if it is the creatine,
Yes, it is. Creatine draws water, so your throat may swell. You'll experience it more clearly when you take, say, 7g with a single sip of water.
Swallow it with plenty of liquid. If it stil bothers you, try capping it.
Thanks for the responses guys.

Been drinking around 1.5 gallons of water per day - I upped that yesterday and started back on the CEE - so far so good. (is even 2 gallons p/day enough??). I've been taking 2g before workout and 2g PWO - I'm only 80kg (176lbs) atm.

I've also started taking the CEE, after a suggestion by a gym instructor, by shooting it in a small cup of water followed by 20oz or PWO straight after.

May try either buying it in tablet form or capping it myself to be more accurate with the doseage anyway.
How much sugar is in it? if You're using juice put an extra 4 oz of water in it and get you some

Wow Ive never heard of this I figured since its already produced in your body that you wouldn't have such an adverse reaction but the idea that it draws water and that causes swelling makes sense... Hmmm
I remember like ten years ago when i would fall for those "ultimate creating" products... They're loadedwith all kinds of shit and it would make you feel like crap. I'm talking about those shitty ones with like 76 grams of sugar and what not. I take mono straight with some pom juice and my shit feels fine. IMO its the fillers and sugar
Man Ive tried just about every creatine that has come out. First took monohydrate in like 1993. Never had any side effe3cts at all. Still like just plain monohydrate the best, cheapest etc. The others may not have to be loaded or whatever and they say less bloat but i tell absolutely no difference. Never heard of any throat swelling. Do you take ambien? that gives throat swelling.

I like tednatas suggestion riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccccccccoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa