critcism/ advice / help on my planned cycle


New member
Ok so Im looking for some help and advice on my planned cycle please. I'll try to keep it short but heres a breif history plus my stats and goals.

I used to train taekwondo regularly untill I got a nerve injury which caused muscle wastage in my back and after 5 years of physical therapy Im at the stage where Im as close to natural recovery as it gets.
After searching online I read about anavar being used to treat some cases of wasting so being that its a mild AAS plus Im not looking to become big or do any very serious resistance training for a while. I initially thought an anavar only cycle would be a good idea. The more I have looked into it I realised it not a well received idea and I certainly dont want to loose my libido or even spend the money and put the effort in to not maximise the potential. However, Im not looking for any mad growth etc so the test is really just for maintainence.

Im 30years old,
6ft 1
approx 10% BF

My planned cycle would be something like

Anavar 30-40mg ED Weeks 1-6
Test Prop 50mg EOD Weeks 1-6
Clomid 50mg ED Weeks 7-9

I understand that prop requires more regular pinning but that doesnt concern me given that theres less chance of sides. If possible I would prefer to have less test or even an oral alternative (I read somewhere that proviron can replace the test)

My main concerns are to do with the dosage and possible need for an aromatase inhibitor, also would I be better off with nolva for PCT.

Sorry for my vaugue understanding but its like the more I read the more confusing it all becomes.

hope some people can chime in with some advice.
First post, however you could get some arimidex at .25 EOD incase any estro sides pop up, RUI here is running a nice discount.. The cycle looks good
Uhhh, you're 6'1" and 330lbs at 10% body fat?

And NEVER cycled?

You're either a human dynamo, or there's a typo there, as I've been on AAS for the better part of a decade, am 6" taller and weigh barely more than you with 2% more body fat. Not to mention that you're "wasting away"... :eek:

Stat critiques aside, I think you need to spend more time reading the FAQ sticky here. It will help you build a proper foundation of knowledge.

For starters, six weeks is too short, even with prop. Proviron is a DHT derivative, not testosterone by any stretch of the imagination, and side effects from a long ester are the same as from a short ester.

I do encourage you to ask more questions, but please give the FAQ a good read first so we can answer your questions with a better focus on your specific needs tailored to you.

My .02c :)