your running 1.7 grams of gear there. If you want to run around that much then this is the adjustment I would make
300mg of test
700mg of Tren
600mg of Mast
both Tren and Mast do not aromatize . so that is a Plus , BUT if your going to run 500+mg of test then your going to deal with some aromatization issues (yes you do have an AI). I'm just saying , if you get the benefit of non-aromatizing with two great compounds , why screw that benefit up with too much test. 300 mg of test is easily controlled with very little AI . plus you don't need that much test to maintain sex hormones , nor will the test be all that beneficial for muscle building with the high dose Tren and Mast in there.
the Mast bumped up because at 600+ mg thats where it really helps put on muscle , at 400 it is just mainly synergistic with the test (freeing up more test to be used , and this again is why you don't need that much test , the masteron is going to help you to use the test you have, so you don't need a high dose of test , cause the masteron is amplifying it).
the Tren I dropped lower because you get too high and its just diminishing returns , you get more negative sides at that point then muscle building benefits.
just my thoughts man
and on a side note , even running longer esters with that stack i would still do EOD or at least 3 x per week injections, just to keep stable blood levels and thus less sides