Cruise TRT then Blast - Timeline


New member
So i've been on trt and got my dose dialed in then went on a cycle about 3 weeks ago. does it still take about 4-6 weeks for the test to kick in or is this what it is cuz ive been on trt and my body is used to the test? thanks to those who reply with knowledge....

12% bf
train 4-6/week HIIT
cardio -no
food - chicken and broccoli
training for 4 years last 2 serious
1 500mg test cycle 12 weeks under belt
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I'm on trt too. Was about week 6 that I 'felt' it. I never had some super-human power surge or the like. Just seemed like the gains were slow and steady until about wk 6, at which point gains came easier. And not every workout. I'd have a breakout session and then the next would be kinda weak. But Id go thru the motions anyway and then the next session would be huge again.