Weeks 1~4
Tbol 40mg ED
Test-P 525mg/wk
Weeks 5~8
Test-P 350mg/wk
Tren-A 350mg/wk
Weeks 9~14
Test-P 175mg/wk
Tren-A 350mg/wk
Mast-P 350mg/wk
Weeks 1~14
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
Caber 0.25mg EOD
Cardarine 20mg ED
N2 Guard 7 Tabs ED
Weeks 15~16
HCGenerate ES 5 Tabs ED
Cardarine 20mg ED
Weeks 17~21
Clomid 50/50/25/25/12.5
Nolva 40/20/20/20/10
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
Cardarine 20mg ED
Ostarine 25/25/25/12.5
N2 Guard 7 Tabs ED
Only a few comments from me:
The aromasin 12.5 EOD can drop starting about week #10 since you cut your aromatizing load down to 175 mg/w prop. You could probably cut it in half 10-14
The caber you don't really need to pick up until week #5, and you might want to carry it out until week #15
Weeks 17 to 21 I wouldn't do aromasin or ostarine during PCT
Thanks Guys,
How does this look then:
Jan 2019 Cutting Cycle
Weeks 1~4
Tbol 40mg ED
Test-P 525mg/wk
Weeks 5~8
Test-P 350mg/wk
Tren-A 350mg/wk
Weeks 9~14
Test-P 175mg/wk
Tren-A 350mg/wk
Mast-P 350mg/wk
Weeks 1~14
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
Caber 0.25mg EOD
Cardarine 20mg ED
N2 Guard 7 Tabs ED
Weeks 15~16
HCGenerate ES 5 Tabs ED
Cardarine 20mg ED
Weeks 17~21
Clomid 50/50/25/25/12.5
Nolva 40/20/20/20/10
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
Cardarine 20mg ED
Ostarine 25/25/25/12.5
N2 Guard 7 Tabs ED
Does the above look complete and decent?
Is it worth adding in Clen at some point? Not sure I got much out of it last time but some people I know swear by it.
how did this give you the impression that it has no clear direction? i put that together because thats what i personally would do for a cutting cycle. the tapering of the test is because not only does one not need such doses of anabolics, but also to completely minimize water when you are trying to look dry (hence masteron and tren). why would somebody need so much test with so much tren? more is not always better, especially with hormones.I dont like this at all. It feels like a thrown together google mix with way to any compounds and no clear direction or goals.
I also dont like the tapering of test doses.
Since you done similar....
I would drop the tbol and run 400mg/week of all 3 compounds (prop, tren mast).
Optionally adding in anavar att weeks 9-14 to get that extra.
But thats just me.
how did this give you the impression that it has no clear direction? i put that together because thats what i personally would do for a cutting cycle. the tapering of the test is because not only does one not need such doses of anabolics, but also to completely minimize water when you are trying to look dry (hence masteron and tren). why would somebody need so much test with so much tren? more is not always better, especially with hormones.
I already know that it's garbage but here is the reply from the source:
There's nothing wrong with the gear mate. Remember using test p ur levels will drop dramatically from Sunday to Tuesday.
Theres no reason I would sell bad test and there are plenty of reviews with good bloods.
So I pinned 100mg Test-P and Tren-A on Sunday night and did my bloods Tuesday morning, basically 36 hours apart.
Not sure exactly what my levels should have been, but I'm certain they should be way higher than what they are.
I already know that it's garbage but here is the reply from the source:
There's nothing wrong with the gear mate. Remember using test p ur levels will drop dramatically from Sunday to Tuesday.
Theres no reason I would sell bad test and there are plenty of reviews with good bloods.
So I pinned 100mg Test-P and Tren-A on Sunday night and did my bloods Tuesday morning, basically 36 hours apart.
Not sure exactly what my levels should have been, but I'm certain they should be way higher than what they are.
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I'm 39, 6'1, 100kgs, around 15% bf atm but will trim down before starting next cycle.
The mast was in a galactic lab blends, it was a really bad reaction, basically horrid fever for 48hrs+ after every injection felt like having the death virus, never had anything like it.
The first jab took me a week and antibiotics to get over, then I opened another vial and hit a half shot and got smashed for another 48 hours so ended up ditching them and just doing test-p and tren-a.
Thanks for the advice gill, I do take anastrol, aromasin, caber and cardarine on cycle and then hit the "perfect pct" protocol after.
Done that the last two cycles and my test on cycle is off the scale and then 3~4 weeks after pct hormones are all in the mid ranges of normal.
I've got decent results, but nothing super dramatic, I tried clen during the last cycle at a pretty decent dosage cycle but didnt see much result and other than some cramping and a bit of a faster heartbeat didn't feel it much.
I kind of feel like doubling everything, so gill's cycle sounds good to really ramp it up since I've literally had zero sides from every single cycle, but since my values are off the chart already, does that still mean I'll get extra benefit from ramping up?
I pretty much keep a mfp journal whilst on all my cycles 90% of the days as well, and never had any sides other than a bit of tren cough after injecting a few times.
In 5 cycles though I've probably only put on say 8kgs of muscle that I've actually kept, not complaining but don't look like a bodybuilder!
Haven't done much research into tbol, I have 100 tabs of stanazonol I was gonna give a crack (did dbol to kick start last cycle), is that okay, or am I better with the tbol.
Thanks Again!
Cheers Santa,
How would I test it Nicky? What's the easiest way?