Cutting cycle..gaining weight??


New member
So I'm week 4 into a test e 600mg pw cycle and I'm trying to cut. My macros and calories are on point for this cut (thank you doc). I weighed myself at the gym today on a empty stomach and I'm actually up 3ilbs. Obviously the test is starting to kick in (btw aml is the shit). I'm noticing a big difference in body shape but no weight loss,should I just keep doing what I'm doing or should I re adjust macros?

Weight 220
Height 6'0
Age 35
Calories 2500
250p 80-100f, 150-250c (depends on training day)
Train 5 days week
Cardio 5 days a week HIIT 2 of the 5
My guess is water retention from elevated estradiol. What Aromatase inhibitor (AI) are you using and what's the dose?
Try not to let a number influence your judgement on losing fat. The scale just shows a number but may not be accurate to what is going on. Unless you're cutting to make a weight class, I wouldn't try to worry much.
Hey Prowl how's it going my friend? I agree with both Halfwit and Dr. House here. There's compounding factors here so like Dr.House said don't let the scale be your sole judgement. Use a scale, body fat measurements, tape measurements, how clothes are fitting, and the mirror to accurately judge your results. As Half mentioned it could be water wait from elevated estrogen that's causing a jump on the scale. Stick with your game plan for another week or two before adjusting. Also increase your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose to 12.5mg/day aromasin. Your macros are looking good so I wouldn't change them. You said it yourself, I'm noticing a difference in body shape but no weight loss". You should be concerned with fat loss not weight loss and if your body is changing for the better you're losing fat regardless of what the scale is saying at this point. Keep updating us but don't make any changes for at least another week or two and bump up your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose too :)
Hey Prowl how's it going my friend? I agree with both Halfwit and Dr. House here. There's compounding factors here so like Dr.House said don't let the scale be your sole judgement. Use a scale, body fat measurements, tape measurements, how clothes are fitting, and the mirror to accurately judge your results. As Half mentioned it could be water wait from elevated estrogen that's causing a jump on the scale. Stick with your game plan for another week or two before adjusting. Also increase your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose to 12.5mg/day aromasin. Your macros are looking good so I wouldn't change them. You said it yourself, I'm noticing a difference in body shape but no weight loss". You should be concerned with fat loss not weight loss and if your body is changing for the better you're losing fat regardless of what the scale is saying at this point. Keep updating us but don't make any changes for at least another week or two and bump up your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose too :)

Thanks bro, I'm sticking with it training hard and following my diet. My gear is really kicking in just loving I'm getting a lot of compliments so its working even thought I haven't drop much weight, body is transforming really nice. I would post some pics but with my job don't want to take any chances. Will keep u guys updated on the progress.
Thanks bro, I'm sticking with it training hard and following my diet. My gear is really kicking in just loving I'm getting a lot of compliments so its working even thought I haven't drop much weight, body is transforming really nice. I would post some pics but with my job don't want to take any chances. Will keep u guys updated on the progress.

Like has been said, weight loss is but one indicator and not always the best. Great to hear you've been making progress and getting compliments. Definitely keep the updates coming!!
Hey Prowl how's it going my friend? I agree with both Halfwit and Dr. House here. There's compounding factors here so like Dr.House said don't let the scale be your sole judgement. Use a scale, body fat measurements, tape measurements, how clothes are fitting, and the mirror to accurately judge your results. As Half mentioned it could be water wait from elevated estrogen that's causing a jump on the scale. Stick with your game plan for another week or two before adjusting. Also increase your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose to 12.5mg/day aromasin. Your macros are looking good so I wouldn't change them. You said it yourself, I'm noticing a difference in body shape but no weight loss". You should be concerned with fat loss not weight loss and if your body is changing for the better you're losing fat regardless of what the scale is saying at this point. Keep updating us but don't make any changes for at least another week or two and bump up your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose too :)

Well said. My knowledge of gear is limited since I have no first hand experience, yet. Researching and planning!
Well said. My knowledge of gear is limited since I have no first hand experience, yet. Researching and planning!

I'm on my first run and it's been a great ride thus far. Research and planning will ensure you get the results you want instead of wasting time and money n