cutting cycle test 400 and tren e


New member
hey guys im doing a cutting cycle and would like your input. im planning to run bio-test 400 and tren e. the test im going to run at 400mg a week and im going to run the tren e at 200mg a week. The reason im going with long esters is because im sick of injecting eod my glutes and shoulders are sore. My calories are at 2400 for the first week and will bring them down 200 every week until i hit 1800 calories i will also be doing morning cardio and 20 min of cardio after training. Any and all input would be greatly apprecaited thanks.The reason im running test 400 is because i have 2 vials left over from my bulking cycle.
We need more details. How long will you run the cycle for? Age? Height? Weight? Body fat %? what previous cycles have you run? AI? hCG? DA? Blood work? Macros? Etc.
I'm planning on running the cycle for 8 weeks. I'm 24, 5'11, 185 around 15% bf. I don't plan on using an AI because I don't get sides like most people. My previous cycles were test 400 only then test 400 with tren a and my last cycle was test p tren a and masteron
You shouldn't be cycling.

I will give you a tip though. You need to learn more about how esters work. Running long esters for 8 weeks is pretty pointless.

Have you made gains on you previous cycles and kept them? You aren't that big. You probably need diet help.

What does your E2 come in at without an AI. Sides is one thing. But talk to me about numbers.
These kids crack me up!! 24 yrs 5-11 185 lbs is NOT pretty big. If you were 5-7 ok, decent size. I lifted weight longer than you've been alive before even touching AAS. Why is today's youth do damned impatient? I want to be big NOW dammit!
Sorry, but your post reeks of immaturity.
You want to run gear? Fine, but do it responsibly. Get bloodwork done, research ALL possible sides from different compounds. Have shit on hand when things go awry so you don't fuk yourself up
you are concerned about being "sore" and you choose test400... wow... you're in for a treat

... and how could you lose size on test? that's some funny shit... just means you don't eat enough, and don't even try to say you do... because you don't
at 5'11 you'd want to be 200lbs naturally mate. That's where your genetics should get you at the least...