cutting cycle


New member
Im doing my first cycle ever of test e 500 mg a week. And id like to throw oral Winstrol (winny) 50 mg ed on the last 6 weeks of a grand total 10 week cycle, im doing this to cut , stats are im 215 5'10 15 percent body fat , my question is what can I expect if Im strictly dieting , will my weight stay the same and bf decrease ? Will I get any strength gains ?
I would never use a first cycle to cut. This is when you will make the most gains. Each cycle you will begin to get diminishing results.
Agreed. Don't start with a cut. Just try to start with an open mind and aspect of what could happen on your first cycle. You will gain more than lose and you don't want that to play with your head about the process.
first cycle and test is best run with best results in a caloric surplus , if you are losing body fat , u will also be losing weight . its going to have to be like science imo to stay the exact same weight and just cut body fat % . body fat % and weight are hand in hand . as meathead suggested , u will be best using this cycle to put on muscle mass which will be achieved in a caloric surplus . u would still probably get a bit of strength gain , but test and muscle need calories to create muscle .
only thing test may do is help preserve a bit of muscle mass during a cut cycle , but u realy need to eat to feed and build muscle
only thing test may do is help preserve a bit of muscle mass during a cut cycle , but u realy need to eat to feed and build muscle

Ok , so I have oral winstrol as well , should i hold off on that ? And also im worried about bf going up because I have a harder time cutting than bulking , and last question , should i start my cut during pct or after ?
def save the Winstrol (winny) for a future cycle. don't start a new cycle immediately after your pct either. time on= time off
use the cycle to put mass on, eat alot and very high protein , just eat very clean and lean , and incorporate alot of cardio into your routine . u can still add winstrol in if your realy want to . idd take it the last 6 weeks if you realy want to . DO NOT start cutting during pct , this is when your body is low in natural test levels and starting to recover , during this time u need to keep the calories up in order to maintain and preserve the muscle u made , but if you are in a caloric deficit during this time when your body is recovering , you risk losing alot if not all your gains . you are probably in the same situation i was . you want to run this cycle and be cut for summer right ? just eat clean and healthy, do your cardio , and as opposed to gaining body fat , you will gain more muscle , (which will add weight) but u will get harder , and rememeber some weight is going to be water retention which will go away on its own after cycle . dont waste a first cycle cutting , eat good, train , cardio , you will be fine , im doing it right now , dont cut during pct as stated adn probably wait at least another month after pct , u need to get your natural test production up again
use the cycle to put mass on, eat alot and very hiotein , just eat very clean and lean , and incorporate alot of cardio into your routine . u can still add winstrol in if your realy want to . idd take it the last 6 weeks if you realy want to . DO NOT start cutting during post cycle therapy (pct) , this is when your body is low in natural test levels and starting to recover , during this time u need to keep the calories up in order to maintain and preserve the muscle u made , but if you are in a caloric deficit during this time when your body is recovering , you risk losing alot if not all your gains . you are probably in the same situation i was . you want to run this cycle and be cut for summer right ? just eat clean and healthy, do your cardio , and as opposed to gaining body fat , you will gain more muscle , (which will add weight) but u will get harder , and rememeber some weight is going to be water retention which will go away on its own after cycle . dont waste a first cycle cutting , eat good, train , cardio , you will be fine , im doing it right now , dont cut during post cycle therapy (pct) as stated adn probably wait at least another month after post cycle therapy (pct) , u need to get your natural test production up again

Exactly , id like to lean out for summer ,ill take your advice though , thankss man